301. Transcript of a Telephone Conversation Between the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) and the Soviet Ambassador (Dobrynin)1

D: I would like a second to tell you about the Victor Louis message.2 Where did you get the message that he will be with you next week?

K: From a TV producer, a friend of his.

D: An American man?

K: Yes … a woman, Mrs. Jarvis.

D: Where did she meet him? In Moscow?

K: I don’t know.

D: I told Moscow. They don’t understand how you got this message. He didn’t go anywhere, and is in Moscow.

K: No, he is arriving next week in New York.

D: He is coming here?

K: Yes.

D: The people in the Foreign Ministry said he is there and not going anywhere. Next week he is coming?

K: On the first or the second.

D: Then I misunderstood.

K: He is now in Moscow … or I don’t know where he is now … at any rate he is not here.

D: He has no messages and nothing of any importance at all.

K: So if I see him at all it is for my own amusement?

D: Yes, this is for your own information.

K: No, that’s why I asked you. I am assuming you are the person I deal with.3 I would like to see you tomorrow some time if you are free.

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D: All right. What time?

K: What about 6:00?

D: That’s all right.

K: 6:00 in the usual place.

D: All right, and the second thing I checked with the Foreign Trade Ministry. All right to proceed with this [omission in transcript—Foundry?] business. How long it will take approximately?

K: About three or four [omission in transcript—weeks?].

D: Three or four more?

K: Right, but I can probably have an answer for you on the Foundry business when we meet tomorrow. It will probably be approved. We need the formal signature of the President, but I have discussed it with him in principle.4 I will tell you the details when we meet tomorrow.

D: Fine.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Henry Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts, Box 27, Dobrynin File. No classification marking.
  2. See Document 297.
  3. On August 2, Jarvis called Kissinger and reported that, due to publicity in the American and British press, Louis had decided to cancel his trip until “things cool down.” Jarvis said she would “really like to talk to you about it” and Kissinger agreed to a meeting. (National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Henry Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts, Box 10, Chronological File) Although no evidence has been found that they met in August, Jarvis called Kissinger on November 3 to report that Louis had contacted her again to request an appointment. “He would appreciate it,” Jarvis added, “if no one discusses it with their ambassador.” (Ibid., Box 12, Chronological File) According to his Record of Schedule, Kissinger met Louis for an hour-long breakfast on November 13. (Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box 438, Miscellany, 1968–76) No other record of the meeting has been found.
  4. See Document 298.