341. Telegram From the U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks to the Department of State1

2076. 1. A first small step on the path toward national reconciliation and concord was taken in a private salon at Hotel Majestic today after the four-party signature ceremony, when GVN, DRV, and PRG officials shook hands and exchanged champagne toasts to mark the occasion.

2. Both DRV and PRG reps lost no time in seeking out GVN reps known to them by name or reputation and engaged them in “correct” and even animated conversation.GVN reps (who several days ago had been debating whether to shake hands) responded for the most part with dignified cordiality. At the outset, Madame Binh and FonMin Lam had a ten-minute conversation surrounded only by their staffs. Xuan Thuy, evidently uncertain of the Madame’s intentions, was seen hurriedly despatching two junior staff members to listen in on this exchange. Binh made a point of having another brief word with Lam before the end of the affair.

3. FonMin Trinh was less assertive, at first looking diffident and embattled beside the affable and suave Xuan Thuy, but he gradually warmed up and had at least one brief exchange with Lam. Thiep, number three at GVNDel, was approached by a DRV official who said they had attended school together at Vinh 32 years ago and asked if Thiep remembered him. Thiep did, and learned the man now headed a Foreign Ministry department.

4. Rival Press Spokesmen Dan (GVN), Le (DRV), and Sau (PRG) exchanged professional salutations. Even Amb Lam, whose disdain for Madame Binh has scarcely been concealed, later confessed to Bui Diem that to his own surprise he found her looking “quite sexy” in a deceptively fragile way. This remark prompted Diem to suggest that Lam make an appropriate contribution to the national reconciliation process.

5. Although Bui Diem, who was himself not present at the occasion, at first made light of DRV/PRG behavior as “operation charm”, he nevertheless acknowledged its symbolic importance and commented that in this new ball game there might be opportunities for GVN to play upon possible PRG need to shake off DRV domination. It [Page 1184] was important, he said, that his government not permit itself to be cast in a spoiler’s role as this political process developed. He intended to make his views known to President Thieu immediately upon his return to Saigon. Both he and Dr. Do depart Paris tomorrow.2

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 192, Paris Talks/Meetings, Paris Talks [3 of 3]. Confidential; Priority; Exdis. Repeated Priority to Saigon.
  2. In backchannel message 359 from Saigon, January 27, 1150Z, Bunker informed Kissinger of the following: “I know you are receiving reports on the last minute surge the enemy has mounted. Given the intensity of the fighting which has taken place during daylight hours today, it is obvious that there will be inroads in many villages and hamlets during the night. As the GVN is not going to permit these communities to fall into enemy hands, I am afraid we must anticipate that heavy fighting will continue tomorrow after the cease-fire has been declared.” (Ibid., Box 415, Backchannel Messages, From Amb. Bunker, Saigon thru April 1973)