337. Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Moorer) to Certain Commanders1

9125. For Admiral Gayler, General Meyer, General Weyand, General Vogt, Admiral Clarey, General Clay, Admiral Holloway and Admiral Cooper.

Subj: Air Operations/Ceasefire/POWs.

During the next sixty days the most important single event will be the return of our prisoners of war. Parenthetically I would also add that possession of our POW’s is the only leverage the NVN have. Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory that we conduct our air operations in such a manner that there will be no cause to overfly NVN territory or deliver ordnance against targets in NVN.
I have resisted the idea of a buffer zone along the Laos-NVN border because whatever distance we specify it will be either too much or too little depending on the circumstances. Consequently our pilots must understand the situation and conduct themselves accordingly. We cannot permit advertent or inadvertent violations of the NVN border which might slow down the return of our POWs.
At this time and under the present circumstances there are no targets in Laos adjacent to the NVN border that are so important we can risk border violations or get ourselves in a position where we must take overt action against targets in NVN. Therefore, air operations near the Laos-NVN border will be planned and executed in such a way as to preclude overflight or the necessity for protective reaction. We simply cannot afford any mistakes.
Warm regards.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 218, Records of the Chairman, Records of Thomas Moorer, Box 69, JCS Out General Service Messages, January 1973. Top Secret; Immediate; Specat; Exclusive.