73. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State 1

1694. Subj: Comite of 24 Visiting Missions. Ref: State 104797.2

Amb Bennett took opportunity of small luncheon for departing Chairman of Comite 24, Venezuelan Amb Designate to Addis Ababa and Cairo, Nava Carrillo, to convey instructions reftel concerning US position on question of visiting missions. Nava Carrillo did not appear in any way surprised by US response, and did not question Bennett assertion that there was no evidence people in American Samoa, Guam or Virgin Islands desired visit by a UN group at this time. Nava Carrillo did call attention to problems UK had brought on itself by failing to invite UN presence during Act of Self-Determination in West Indies Associated States. Bennett responded that Washington was well aware of this situation.
With respect to Comite of 24 participation in mixed Trusteeship Council mission to observe Papua-New Guinea elections in March—April 1972, Nava Carrillo volunteered that certain members of Comite were being “very difficult”. Although agreement had been reached that one East European and one Asian should be the non-members of TC on this mission, and although it looked as if Yugoslav likely to be EE rep, young Afghanistan First Secretary Aryubi (who is chairman of Pacific area sub-comite of Comite of 24) was insisting he should be Asian rep, although many members of Comite favored designation of a Fiji representative. Nava Carrillo made it plain that he considered Fiji more logical and sensible choice.
In parting, Nava Carrillo said he planned relinquish chairmanship of Comite of 24 July 9 in order to comply with his govt’s insistent orders that he proceed to his new post. In view of impending departure also of Bulgarian rep who is one of two vice chairmen, Comite will probably be chaired for balance current session by other vice chairman, Jouejati (Syrian Dep PermRep).
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 19 UN. Confidential.
  2. See footnote 2, Document 72.