3. Letter From the Representative to the United Nations (Yost) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1

Dear Henry:

Just a brief note on two procedural matters.

First, I see that the NSC is due to meet on Southern Africa on September 17. As you know this is a meeting at which I would very much like to be present because we have a whole series of problems on this area before the United Nations. This is however a particularly difficult date for me, being the second day of the forthcoming General Assembly, and the whole first week of a General Assembly is an extremely hectic time. Would it be possible to have the NSC meeting on Southern Africa either during the week of September 7 or the week of September 21, or indeed at any other generally convenient time? I should perhaps note that I am receiving an honorary degree at Hamilton College on September 10 so would be unavailable on that day.

The second matter relates to the recommendation to the President from Bill Rogers and myself that he request the Congress for $15 million, as part of a package of $60 million to which the United Nations, the City of New York and private foundations would also contribute equal amounts, for an extension of the United Nations Headquarters one block southward. The point is that the United Nations Secretariat is physically bursting at the seams and that unless it can enlarge its available space more and more of its subdivisions will be transferred to Geneva or elsewhere with consequent damage both to the Secretary General’s capabilities for coordination and United States influence on the Organization. There is no disagreement at all about the desirability [Page 5] of this extension and the only question is whether the necessary funds can be obtained.

Our recommendation on the matter has been pending in the White House since May and I write you about it only because I was told it might have been referred to your office. The matter will come up for action in the General Assembly this fall and it is of great importance that we be able to say that the Administration is at least actively seeking the necessary funds. I should appreciate it very much if you could push this along.

Best regards,


  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 296, Agency Files, USUN, Vol. II. Limited Official Use.