78. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon1
Evening Report
Foreign Aid—After coming to an agreement on the Conference Report on the Foreign Aid Authorization Bill and the Continuing Resolution late Thursday night, the House and Senate acted quickly this morning to conclude legislative action for this session. The Senate passed the Authorization Conference with no debate by a roll-call vote of 33-21. The total authorization figure is $2.752 billion with $1.234 billion for economic assistance and $1.518 billion for security assistance. A further breakdown of the security assistance authorization figures shows MAP funded at $500 million, security assistance at $618 million, with $50 million for Israel, and foreign military credit sales at $400 million with $300 million earmarked for Israel.
Doc Morgan said the House would take up the Authorization Conference Report after they reconvened in mid-January.2
[Page 183]Immediately after the passage of the Authorization Conference Report, the Senate passed by a roll-call vote of 45-9 H.J. Res. 1005, a Continuing Resolution Authorization for foreign aid and other related programs. This resolution would expire on February 22, 1972. A breakdown shows $1.252 billion for economic assistance and $1.572 billion for security assistance. Security assistance includes $522.5 million for MAP, $649.7 million for supporting assistance with $50 million for Israel, and $400 million for foreign military credit sales with $300 million earmarked for Israel. This brings the total appropriation for the Continuing Resolution up to $3.238 billion, excluding funds for the Export-Import Bank. The Continuing Resolution figures are slightly higher than the Authorization Bill because they show some previously authorized but not appropriated funds. The Continuing Resolution passed the House unamended by a voice vote.
Shortly after this action both Houses formally adjourned for the session.
- Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, President’s Daily Briefings, Box 37, December 17-December 31, 1971. Secret.↩
- President Nixon signed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1971 on February 7, 1972. In his signing statement he referred to it as a great disappointment because funding was below minimum acceptable levels, it did not include the reform proposals sent to Congress on April 21, and it had reached his desk more than half way through the fiscal year. See Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard Nixon, 1972, pp. 166-167.↩