403. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1


  • Important CARE Food Program in India

Bill Gaud with Agriculture agreement is prepared to go ahead with a $25 million special nutrition program for 5–7 million children under 12 and expectant and nursing mothers in the worst drought areas of India. The program would be run by CARE and other relief organizations would participate to the limits of their ability. It would be under Title II (emergency programs) of PL 480.

The Indian government initially requested a program which would cost about $60 million. The $25 million would give them a start on a revised program for mixing in India a composite food including Indian ingredients and those from other donors that would provide an alternative source of high protein which is much cheaper than milk powder.

Gaud has the authority to approve this kind of program but thought you ought to see it first because it is relevant to the whole Indian problem.

It seems to me there’s little question of our giving CARE a go-ahead on this. However, I wonder whether there wouldn’t be considerable [Page 782] advantage for you in announcing it. To be sure it isn’t the main grain sale they’re awaiting, but reaching 5–7 million children and mothers is no small program. If you could release it tomorrow, it would hit the Sunday papers (draft release attached2). If you do, it would be a good idea if I could call B.K. Nehru in advance.


Approve White House release

Let Gaud announce it3

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, India, India’s Food Problem, Vol. II. Confidential. A handwritten note on the memorandum reads, “Rec’d 12–16–66, 7:25 p.”
  2. Not printed.
  3. Neither option is checked. A telephone message from the LBJ Ranch concerning the memorandum, relayed to Rostow on December 17 by Jake Jacobsen reads: “I would not do a thing on that now. I want to personally approve every item for India. Tell Gaud I want to approve and do all.” The message is summarized in an attached handwritten note.