312. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to All Embassies and Legations1
Washington, March 30, 1966, 3:52
1894. From Secretary to Ambassador. You should expeditiously bring to the attention of host government, at level and in manner you deem most effective, the message by President Johnson on Food for India conveyed on wireless file today. If you judge host government has capacity to provide food or money to buy food, you should urge it to respond generously and quickly to the great humanitarian needs in India resulting from severe drought conditions.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, SOC 10 INDIA. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Deputy Executive Secretary John P. Walsh, cleared by Handley and Schneider, and approved by Rusk. A draft copy of this telegram bears a handwritten marginal notation by President Johnson which reads: “Good—ask for and have assembled replies from all countries for me to see.” (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, India, India’s Food Problem, Vol. I)↩