147. Telegram From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1

50. Personal for the Secretary. When FinMin Shoaib saw me this morning about postponement consortium pledging session,2 he said that you had offered him the use of our telegraphic facilities if he ever had a message of special importance and sensitivity which he wished to convey urgently to you. He said he thought the current situation called for such a message and asked that I transmit the following to you on his behalf:

Begin message: In the context of the recent Ayub-Woods conversation in London, favorable policy developments were under way here, which are threatened by the shift in the US Govt approach to the consortium pledging session. I ask your help in finding some way out so that a crisis does not arise. End message.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Pakistan, Vol. III, Cables, 12/64–7/65. Secret; Priority; Exdis. No time of transmission is given on the telegram, which was received at 8:16 a.m.
  2. The IBRD advised the Department on July 9 that in view of the U.S. inability to take a positive position in the pledging session scheduled for July 27, the Pakistan consortium pledging session was being rescheduled to September 23. (Telegram 153 to London, July 9; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, AID 9 PAK)