28. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1
889. Embtel 1065.2 Recognize Shah currently concerned with security situation (Arab threat) and preoccupied with details military modernization but hope he aware that it would be counterproductive to devote hour with President mostly these subjects, particularly technical discussion merits various kinds military equipment. President keenly interested progress Shah’s reforms, especially land reform, education and health corps, women’s emancipation, administrative reform, etc., and in measures to stimulate Iranian economy. To omit or downgrade these subjects would risk giving impression one-sided preoccupation military-security affairs.
We hope you will find opportunity before Shah leaves to intimate this need for balance in meeting with President. You may wish to refer to opportunity for discussion military problems Iranian Embassy tea June 6 (at which we hope McNaughton, Sloan, and Generals Woods and Adams will be present) and to make it clear again that we expect details concerning timing and equipment content modernization program to be worked out in continuing Tehran discussions with you and General Eckhardt, not during Washington visit.