219. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson1


  • Your Meetings with the Shah of Iran: Viet Nam

The Shah has suggested to us that he might attempt to establish a new mechanism for arriving at a peaceful solution of the Vietnamese war. He has been thinking of bringing together a group of countries, such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Japan and Cambodia, which would have access to the United States, the USSR and Communist China and might open new doors for discussions of a possible solution. Such a group would work discreetly and not make public proposals. The Shah may again raise this idea in his discussions with you.

We have told the Shah that we deeply appreciate his interest and concern and that we are interested in any effort by any government or group of governments to help achieve a peaceful solution. We have indicated that if the governments the Shah has in mind agree that such an effort would be worthwhile and if the effort would be discreet, we would be openhanded and frank in dealing with such a group. We have stressed that explicit approval by us of such an effort would be a kiss of death.

Dean Rusk
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Iran, Visit of Shah (con’t.), 8/22–24/67. Secret/Nodis. Filed with the August 15 memorandum from Rusk to Johnson, Document 218.