522. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

2198. Subj: Middle East-Goldberg-Caradon Talk Nov. 12. Ref: USUN 2178.2

In mid-day talk Nov. 12, Caradon told Goldberg he had seen King Hussein alone previous day. Said King had preferred not to talk about texts of SC reses, but had made it clear he recognizes both US support for and Israeli acquiescence in any res are essential. Caradon commented he found King greatly disturbed and that he (Caradon) was for first time beginning to fear entire situation too much for King. Caradon said King plans leave NY Nov. 12 pm, first for Paris, then London, and return to Amman in about one week.
Caradon also reported one-hour meeting with Riad earlier on Nov. 12, saying he had stressed to Riad it would be madness for Arabs to throw away what res offers them and US offer to put its weight behind such res. He said he seeing reps of India and Iraq later in day and would stress same point. Riad’s reaction, according to Caradon, was that UAR could not sign blank check for Israel to draw boundaries wherever Israel wants them.
Caradon said he had discussed UK draft res with Eban and, thereafter, with Danes and Canadians. After describing Eban’s reaction briefly (texts of comments and aide-mémoire Eban has given Caradon sent septel)3 Caradon said it his feeling UK could go all way or nearly all way to meet Israeli objections.
Caradon said it continues to be his feeling that there will be need for new draft res without any of present labels (US or Indian) by middle of week and he plans seek London’s approval to consult with Arabs re UK draft res, as revised to take into account Israeli objections. His aim, Caradon said, is to have “winning horse” all saddled and ready to go so that, at appropriate moment, stable door can be opened.
Goldberg asked whether Caradon would propose, assuming he gets ok from London to discuss revised UK draft res with Arabs, to have [Page 1031] further talks with Israelis. Caradon made no commitment, simply commented he would at least consult with us again before moving.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27 ARAB–ISR/UN. Secret; Priority; Exdis. Repeated Priority to Amman, and to London and Tel Aviv. Dated November 12 in error; received on November 13 at 0317Z.
  2. See footnote 2, Document 517.
  3. Telegram 2196 from USUN, November 13. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27 ARAB–ISR/UN)