474. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

1478. Re ME res-SC.

Amb Goldberg met with Riad to discuss SC situation. Sisco also present for US and Mohammed Riad for UAR.

Amb. Goldberg filled in Riad generally on his discussion with Dobrynin pointing out that differences over interpretation of US–USSR draft have been encountered. Soviets do not agree that under para 2 of res renunciation of belligerency means opening of Suez Canal for all vessels, including Israeli. Moreover, it was not our view that refugee question was linked to opening of Canal. Riad indicated he was prepared to discuss a draft res and how to proceed in the SC or alternatively, to discuss the various problems relating to a settlement one by one. He once again reiterated his principal interest is what general policy of US is since UAR is looking for better relations with US and stability, and UN operation is secondary. He said he willing to discuss settlement problems by going back to beginning, or be prepared to consider a new approach at UN.

Amb. Goldberg indicated that Dobrynin conversation had not clarified what Sovs had in fact distributed to various dels at end of Essga. Net result of Dobrynin conversation was to underscore differences between us as to meaning of US–USSR res and what affirmative acts would be required by parties in connection with such res. Goldberg said our policy is clear as stated by the Pres on June 19th. We welcome friendly relations with all countries in area, and seek a durable peace. We believe SC could be helpful in making a start towards peace in area. We have listened with great care to Riad’s observations in previous conversations and have noted in particular that UAR has said categorically it politically impossible to take certain steps in connection with a SC res. For example, Riad has said no UAR Govt could now agree that Israeli flag ships could transit Canal. In view of the difficulties which Riad has previously indicated, perhaps best way to proceed would be for the SC to develop broad guidelines. Such an approach would not exact from either of the parties any affirmative acts at the time of the adoption of the SC res. Such SC res might call upon the SYG to appoint a rep whose task would be to assist parties in effectuating purposes of [Page 908] guidelines. Such approach would also avoid need for common interpretation by sponsors, and call upon the parties would be limited to a call to cooperate with SYG’s rep. Throughout Goldberg stressed need for balance in any SC res. If a UN res could help make a start, US would be prepared to use its influence to help achieve a permanent solution. Our objective is to help establish honorable conditions of peaceful co-existence. Goldberg then indicated very generally to Riad kind of charter principles that might be included as part of a broad mandate for a UN rep. In recounting principles to Riad, latter noted avoidance of mention of refugees. Goldberg pointed out that we could not accept linking of refugees with opening of Canal. Riad stressed one principle—the political independence and territorial integrity for all in area.

Riad focused on desirability of achieving a final settlement, viewing SC operation as a beginning point, and expressing belief that various problems relating to a settlement would take time to work out. He did not seem to preclude territorial adjustments as part of a settlement. He then focused on quest of who “should put something down on paper” in form of a res so that UAR, SC members, and Israelis could make a judgment based on a specific text. In response to Amb Goldberg’s query, Riad said that non-permanent members are scheduled to meet on ME and they might be asked to put something down on paper. Amb. Goldberg said we have no objections to having non-perms see what they could develop.

Since Caradon this morning seemed to doubt our view of UAR unwillingness to interpret renunciation of belligerency to mean opening of Suez and had suggested that explicit language regarding free and innocent passage thru international waterways should be added to para 2–B of US–USSR draft, we tried this out on Riad. As expected, Riad did not think such language would be helpful.

Conversation concluded with both Goldberg and Riad stating that any UN rep appointed should be agreeable to principal parties. In response to Goldberg’s inquiry, Riad agreed that US and UAR should discuss directly with each other any text developed by non-perms.

Comment: Amb Goldberg will meet with Danes, Canadians and two LA members of SC early Tues AM before non-perm member mtg scheduled later in morning. We will be giving them our views re kind res which might be constructive next step for SC, and ascertain whether they willing to take initiative.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27 ARAB–ISR/UN. Secret; Exdis. Repeated to Tel Aviv and Amman. Received at 0206Z.