93. Summary Record of the 536th Meeting of the National Security Council1

[Here follows a report by Secretary Rusk on the OAS and Cuba.]


At the request of the President, Under Secretary Ball summarized the current situation on Cyprus:

We put money in the bank with passing of every week without serious fighting on the island.
Progress is being made in Geneva negotiations being conducted by Dean Acheson. These talks are in their second round. Acheson has [Page 200] managed to establish close relations with both the Greek and Turkish representatives. The talks will have to enter the third round before we know exactly how they will come out. The real problem consists of getting Makarios to accept an agreed Greek-Turkish solution.
We are using the NATO structure in an effort to gain some hold on the military buildup on the Island of both Greek and Turkish forces.
We are making a serious effort to build up the UN forces in Cyprus and prompt the UN officers there to act with firmness in holding down fighting.
Every effort is being made to play down the Geneva talks. Acheson is working quietly and without press attention. The talks are being carried on under the cover of the UN Mediator who is cooperating in this tactic. We have a moderately hopeful attitude toward the possibility of a solution of the problem.

McGeorge Bundy pointed out the importance of not letting the press know of our current optimism. It was agreed that no optimistic noises should be made to the press.

[Here follows discussion of Laos.]

Bromley Smith 2
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Meetings File, Vol. 2. Top Secret. Drafted by Bromley Smith. McCone’s notes of the meeting are in Central Intelligence Agency, DCI Files: Job 80–B01285A, Meetings with LBJ, 1964.
  2. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.