61. Telegram From the Embassy in Cyprus to the Department of State1

1347. Embtel 1346.2 Greek and Turkish Cypriots look on forthcoming SC meeting on Cyprus as crucial test of US attitudes, influence and abilities. After events of June 5, all parties consider we are now deeply involved and look for us to take positive position in New York. It is common belief our policy on Cyprus has changed, but SC will be regarded as acid test of this belief.

Reading the political temper in Cyprus, we believe either emergency or scheduled SC meeting may prove major watershed in Greek Cypriot attitudes. As we have reported with increasing frequency, Communists have been going all out to enmesh Greek Cypriots by espousing principles of freedom and democracy, offering assistance and promising support. Having a favorably conditioned audience, the Communists have up to this point made extensive progress with most elements of Greek Cypriot society. Their accomplishments have been impressive and give cause for serious concern, but thus far we estimate them to be generally shallow in nature. The fickle, politically immature Greek Cypriots could quickly change their view of their “real friends”, if given the occasion.

The show down which now appears to be at hand, would threaten to give Communist accomplishments in Cyprus a deeper, more lasting character where permanent damage might be done to the orientation of the Greek Cypriot leadership as well as many other elements of the society.

Given this ticklish situation, the problem for the US will be how to handle itself on policy without alienating the Greek Cypriots and giving the Soviets the opening for which they hope. In this circumstance perhaps it would be best to let troop contributing countries carry the ball on sensitive terms of reference issue (assuming discussion this issue cannot be avoided) where US involvement in substance would probably range us among opponents of GOC.

There is, however, one point where US might be able to make major productive contribution to work of SC, a contribution which relates to principal concern of Greek Cypriots about threat of Turkish military [Page 125] intervention. If US could produce as its contribution a Turkish commitment not to intervene in Cyprus for the duration of UN involvement, this would be major accomplishment which should go far toward re-establishing our damaged position here.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Secret. Repeated to Ankara, Athens, London, Paris for USRO, the White House, JCS, CIA, and OSD.
  2. Telegram 1346 from Nicosia, June 10, reported the observations of the Syrian Ambassador on the U.S. position following President Johnson’s actions to prevent an invasion of Cyprus. (Ibid.)