176. Telegram From the Embassy in Cyprus to the Department of State1

991. Deptel 518.2 Saw Bernardes morning Feb 09 immediately after receiving reftel. He shares our assessment of troop rotation problem. He will see Makarios in next day or two and present strong oral demarche to Makarios which he will follow up with letter for the record. He does not recommend we use SYG yet since once having done so there is little left in our armory in event SYG turned down at this stage. Says he believes Greeks mistakenly thinking in terms of substantial quid pro quo. He has reports from N.Y. that Kyprianou had suggested to UNSYG that appropriate concession by Turks would be turning control of Kyrenia Road over to GOC. Bernardes described this as wildly improbable concession by Turks and indicative of Greek failure make any objective [Page 363] assessment of Turk position. When I outlined Aktulga’s exposition of Turkish attitude toward rotation (Ankara’s 1152 to Dept)3 he agreed saying that he and his staff could not conceive of Turks making further concession on rotation question. Said he had already spoken to Makarios three times: once when he first knew of Turk request, again after hearing from Georkadjis that negative decision imminent, and again last Friday. Makarios had made it very clear at last meeting that he expected extract something further from Turks and also had mentioned Road. Bernardes had thought he had in mind some further relaxation of present restrictions on unarmed Greek use but word from New York mentioned above indicated they had grander ideas.

Bernardes believes Makarios will push this question to the limit despite fact that by doing so he is obviously not acting in accordance with SC resolution. Bernardes letter will refer to GOC action last November permitting rotation and will call upon him in terms SC resolution to make concession on rotation in order not further increase tensions. We do not believe this will elicit any favorable response at this time and that it will be necessary towards end of month to call on SYG for public appeal to Makarios to which he thinks Makarios at last moment will acquiesce. Bernardes pointed out that this time he certain Turks not bluffing when they say failure to rotate on time (by March 8) would require special legislation by Turk GNA. (Perhaps Ankara could comment on this.)

Will discuss this question with Plaza tomorrow afternoon and will discuss with UK and Canadian colleagues here to see if they perceive any utility in seeking additional instructions from their governments to make individual démarches to GOC in support of UN action.

As Dept aware I have already raised matter informally with Makarios and Araouzos, but there may be some additional mileage to be gained if I were to do so under instructions.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 CYP. Confidential. Repeated to Athens, Ankara, USUN, Paris for USRO, and London.
  2. Telegram 518 to Nicosia, February 8, approved Belcher’s proposal to meet with Plaza and Bernardes and urge them to make a “preemptive” appeal to all parties on the troop rotation issue. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 1152 from Ankara, February 6, reported that Turkey would neither make concessions nor enter into prolonged negotiations over the issue of troop rotation. (Ibid.)
  4. In telegram 526 to Nicosia, February 11, the Department of State declined to authorize another démarche to Makarios on the troop rotation issue, stating that it preferred to use the United Nations as a forum for dealing with this issue. (Ibid.)