112. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State1

238. From Anschuetz. Have just seen Papandreou at his request. Costopoulos (Fon Affairs) and Garoufalias (Defense) also present.

Papandreou said GOG had received telephone call from Makarios demanding intervention of Greek aircraft to repel Turk bombings which resumed this morning. Papandreou alluded to his statement last night which he said constituted formal repudiation of Markarios’ policy. Fighting has now stopped, however and Turkish action is putting GOG in untenable position. Whatever one might think of Makarios, he is [Page 237] apparently in the right in this instance, and public opinion in Greece and in Cyprus will not permit GOG stand aside indefinitely. Kyprianou had telephoned demanding formal declaration of GOG support by one thirty today failing which GOC would have no alternative but to seek help elsewhere. Papandreou appealed to USG halt Turkish attacks. Assured Papandreou USG was exerting its best efforts. Pointed out direct and immediate Soviet or UAR intervention seemed rather unlikely and requested assurance that GOG armed forces would not be engaged without further consultation with us. This assurance was given, but with insistence that next few hours would be extremely critical for GOG. I commented that awkward as is present position GOG, actual engagement Greek armed forces would be infinitely more serious.

Costopoulos said Grivas is returning within the hour. GOG at a loss understand how Kokkina-Mansoura affair had gotten out of control despite best efforts GOG. Garofoulias asserted no Greek nationals involved this affair.

All three Greeks were in rather emotional state. I assured them I would be in touch with them later today.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Secret; Flash. Repeated to Ankara, Nicosia, Geneva for Acheson, Paris for USRO, London, USUN, DOD, CIA, and the White House.