245. Memorandum of Conversation1
- Bilateral Questions Pending Between USA and USSR
- Deputy Under Secretary Kohler
I had lunch with the Soviet Ambassador today at his invitation and talked with him from approximately 12:30 to 2:20.
I told the Ambassador that I had made my usual check list of pending and upcoming questions between us in the hope that when he got back to Moscow he could review the status of these matters and induce some movement on the Soviet side. We then reviewed the items shown on the attached list,2 and at his request, I left with him a copy. In the course of the discussion, he offered nothing really new on any of these subjects but did say that he would look into them after his return to Moscow.
In this connection, we did have a general review of the present Soviet posture vis-á-vis the US in the light of frequent Soviet remarks that certain things were impossible because of the international situation and, particularly, Viet-Nam. He claimed that there was no really fixed policy in Moscow, but that everything was discussed by the leadership on an ad hoc basis, and decisions were frequently affected by passing emotions of the moment or by the effectiveness of “eager-beavers” in various branches of the Soviet apparatus in influencing decisions one way or another. In this connection, he commented that not only he but also Foreign Minister Gromyko had been at a loss to understand why Moscow had cancelled the Hurok Festival on one day and three days later agree that the American Circus would be permitted to come ahead.
In general, he thought the Soviet posture was that relations with the US were to be handled in “low key” so long as Viet-Nam goes on. [Page 577] He saw no reason to think that there would not be a new agreement on exchanges for the next bi-annual period, though he thought there might be considerable discussion as to the specific content of a new agreement.3
- Source: Department of State, Kohler Files: Lot 71 D 460, Dobrynin/Kohler Memoranda of Conversation. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Kohler. The memorandum is part I of IV; parts II–IV, memoranda of conversation concerning the Middle East, a possible new Law of the Sea conference, and Soviet defector Vladimer Chalyy, are ibid.↩
- Not printed. The list included: strategic weapons talks; non-proliferation treaty; expert talks on peaceful nuclear explosions; technical talks on venting; space treaty ratification; satellite weather exchange improvement; embassy sites; civil airline services; desalting symposia and exchanges; atomic energy exchanges; and “other exchanges” (Amerika/Soviet Life/Sputnik, cancellation of the Hurok Festival, and a new agreement for 1968–1969).↩
- On July 28 Dobrynin informed Kohler that he was leaving Washington for Moscow on July 29 and that he expected to return about September 1. (Telegram 13998 to Moscow, July 28; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 17 USSR-US)↩