358. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Working Group of the United States Japan Joint Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs (Yager) to the Working Group0


  • Under Secretary Ball’s Comments on Japanese Trade Restrictions
  • Under Secretary Ball believes that, during the coming Cabinet Committee1 discussions, we should be much more on the offensive vis-a-vis Japan and its trade restrictions than we have in the past. We should make it clear that if Japan is to be a leading and active participant among the developed nations of the world, it must pursue liberal trade policies. The Under Secretary has noted that the Japanese record of restrictions is in many ways worse than the situation prevailing in the European countries. He hopes that the briefing papers now in preparation will reflect this point of view.
  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 65 D 533, CF 2189. Confidential.
  2. See Document 361.