101. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0

1547. Cabot-Wang talks. 109th meeting two hours forty minutes.1 Reference: Department telegram 1314.2

In opening Wang attacked US Far East policies as predicted, with emphasis on alleged US occupation Taiwan as basic to our strained relations. After rebutting as instructed, I spoke of the problem of dogma at bottom of much of our misunderstandings, along lines paragraphs 2 and 3 reference telegram.3 Covered American prisoners issue in terms paragraph 4.4 Wang did not respond to this point.
Wang said no one doubts American people want peace but world cannot believe US Government following policy of peace. It did [Page 212] during Roosevelt era but not since. Said US had organized military blocs taking China, Soviet Union and all socialist countries as targets; had hundreds of military bases around world; sent troops into Lebanon, Cuba, Laos and South Vietnam; and now, against world opinion promises resume nuclear tests. I rebutted these points. Wang further claimed Chinese Communist policy not simply determined by theory and dogma, but primarily on basis actual relations between countries and on facts. Spoke with feeling of century of humiliation China had suffered and said Chinese people capable of judging from history which nations treated China equally and which otherwise. China will no longer be subjected to insults from foreigners or intimidated by foreign power. No one would prevent China from exercising its legitimate rights under name of so-called defensive measures.
I said not only Roosevelt but succeeding Presidents had all been freely elected by American people and all have striven to represent peace-loving policies of American people. After World War II US largely disarmed but unfortunately [garble] many others had not. Outlined Communist hostility which forced us to join with other free nations in defense. Spoke of our constant efforts in interest disarmament.
Wang returned again to difference between desires American people and policy of government. I said representatives of people in Congress had repeatedly and in overwhelming majority showed intention of American people resist aggression by Chinese Communists, stressed importance studying sequence of events in Far East which show US defensive moves always in response Communist provocation.
In speaking of seven serious warnings of sea and air intrusions since last meeting, Wang complained specifically of US ships in territorial waters Yung Hsing Island which did not withdraw after warning flashed. I said I would be glad to inquire as to the circumstances of this alleged invasion. Request guidance in answering for next meeting.

Nothing new introduced in long, futile meeting.

Next meeting May 17.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/4-562. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Taipei, Hong Kong, Geneva, Stockholm, and Moscow.
  2. Cabot commented and sent recommendations for the next meeting in telegram 1548, April 6, and sent a detailed, apparently verbatim report of the meeting in airgram A-563, April 7. (Ibid., 611.93/4-662 and 611.93/4-762, respectively)
  3. Telegram 1314, April 3, conveyed Cabot’s instructions for the meeting. (Ibid., 611.93/4-362)
  4. Paragraph 2 declared that Wang’s side had labeled the United States as an enemy because of dogma rather than facts. Paragraph 3 declared that it would be in the interests of both sides if they were to take an objective look at the situation.
  5. Paragraph 4 urged fulfillment of the 1955 agreement to release imprisoned U.S. civilians in the interest of reducing international tensions.