276. Telegram From the Consulate General in Geneva to the Department of State1

181. Under instructions from Under Secy called on Tshombe this a.m. accompanied by DCM. Tshombe accompanied only by Diur.2

Stated Under Secy had planned come Geneva today from Paris confer with Tshombe but pressure of business including Berlin crisis had proved be so intense that Under Secy recalled Washington unexpectedly and would have to forego planned Geneva trip. Expressed regret that Tshombe’s own plans had been altered in hope of meeting, and thanked him for copy Aug 7th letter to SecGen UN proposing formation constitution federated state (ourtel 174).3

Tshombe launched into temperate review his position. Hoped reasons cancellation Ball meeting were not subterfuge (“echappatoire”) and did not result from intervention other US officials who had done everything to prevent greater understanding through contact of US and Katanga officials. (Development this theme made clear reference to Amb Gullion.)

Tshombe stated counted heavily on talking with senior US official like Harriman who had open mind. Sure it would advance prospects solution Congo crisis by formation federated govt. Believed US misinformed of true facts. Present steps will only forestall if not doom prospects peaceful solution. Sanctions do nothing but antagonize populace already aroused. People do not eat copper, and embargo and efforts to crush economy by ban communications etc. will infuriate populace and convince them West not sympathetic to people Katanga and drive them into opposite camp.

Only solution is prompt formation federated govt. Congo too big and unbalanced for anything else. But this cannot be achieved by refusal to even discuss matter and US attachment to man who is supported by no one but a palace guard and dares not set foot outside Léopoldville (Adoula).

Tshombe reiterated that if reasons cancellation Ball visit not “subterfuge” could not plans be made for another high official US Govt see him any place desired. He had deferred departure Geneva to see Ball but now must leave next plane leaving Geneva Aug 15 noon local time. Will await further word from us.

Throughout Tshombe remained subdued if intense especially while referring to lack contact US officials in Congo. Appeared in excellent health.

[Page 551]

My remarks confined to delivery message as stated above, assurance Tshombe’s comments would be relayed to Washington and polite platitudes. Detailed memcon follows pouch.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–1362. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution. Also sent to Léopoldville and repeated to USUN.
  2. His representative in Paris.
  3. Dated August 10. (Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–1062)
  4. It was transmitted in telegram 186, August 14. (Ibid., 770G.00/8–1462)