133. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
2303. For Ambassador. Request you speak to Lord Home on following lines at earliest opportunity:
Believe US and UK are agreed on urgent necessity effecting peaceful reintegration of Katanga at earliest possible date. To this end Embassy Léopoldville will attempt persuade Adoula make every effort meet Tshombe personally, without pre-conditions on either side, and discuss specific economic and military steps toward reintegration, reserving question political and constitutional relationship. At later stage they could agree on constitutional changes they would press on Parliament as package.
In our view, most members Adoula government basically pro-Western orientation, however, this government may well fall, replaced by more radical, leftward-looking regime if their present policy does not succeed bringing Katanga back into Congo early date. In such case would face very real danger of Soviet penetration and Western interests in Katanga itself would also be in jeopardy. We moreover convinced Tshombe and Katanga have constructive economic political role play national scene. Adoula government needs conservative counter-weight Tshombe can provide and country needs public revenues provided by Katanga to achieve economic viability.
We will continue press Tshombe in direction resuming dialogue with central govt, although our influence Katanga negligible.
Purpose this approach is ask HMG assistance in bringing appropriate pressures bear on Tshombe in political and economic sphere, directly, as well as through Welensky, in order render Tshombe more amenable to meaningful negotiation with central government.
Would be most useful if management industrial enterprises Katanga clearly took position favor integration and refused support separatism. HMG might attempt persuade British business interests involved Katanga cooperate along foregoing lines. Also appreciate HMG views as to what other measures or steps United Kingdom or other govt might be effective in desired direction.
[Page 258]HMG could continue refrain permitting arrival in Katanga any material susceptible military use and obtain cooperation Rhodesia Fed Govt along these lines.
From detailed consultation held between our govts believe in agreement as to objective in Congo. Are concerned however period in which can influence events nearing end, and unless more successful measures devised and applied, UK and US will lose what little control we have.2
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/10–2761. Confidential. Drafted by Woodruff and Eisenberg; cleared in substance by Officer in Charge of UK and Ireland Affairs Joseph Sweeney and Wallner; and approved by Burdett. Repeated to Léopoldville, Brussels, Paris, and USUN.↩
- Bruce reported in telegram 1805, November 2, that he had discussed the Congo with Lord Home the previous evening. Home showed Bruce a letter from Sir Roy Welensky stating that Welensky would use his influence to try to bring Adoula and Tshombe together. Home told Bruce that he had recently spoken to British business interests in Katanga but expected little if any support from them because they feared nationalization by Tshombe. He also told Bruce that since Tshombe was going to be in Geneva, he would instruct the head of the U.K. mission there to see him and urge him to meet with Adoula. (Ibid., 770G.00/11–261)↩