93. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia0

237. We continue deeply concerned that presence Jordanian combat aircraft Saudi Arabia will lead to incidents inevitably bringing UAR reprisals on Saudi territory far beyond border area and destroying possibility Saudi disengagement. We have just learned US-UK efforts Amman and US efforts Jidda ineffective in delaying or cancellation stationing Jordanian planes Taif.1

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Embassy Jidda should pursue vigorously objective of early return of planes to Jordan. Prior to return in no event should those planes operate near or across Yemeni border. Up to Saudis to take appropriate position with Hussein.

Keep Dept informed of status.

For Amman: Dept approves your use, in consultation with UK colleague, of any arguments you deem effective with Jordanians including fact turnover of F 86s to SAG obviates any earlier need for Jordanian planes in Saudi Arabia. We do not wish use threats with Hussein but cannot preclude doing so if his actions risk worsening conflict.

Use of MAP financed GOJ Hawkers in Saudi Arabia constitutes violation terms of sale. You should make clear to GOJ that employment US financed weapons for other than defensive purposes would prejudice future US military aid.

For London: We in close touch with UK Embassy here and have informed it of substance this message.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.5622/11–1062. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Strong and approved by Talbot. Repeated to Amman, Cairo, and London.
  2. On November 6, King Hussein informed Macomber that he intended to respond positively to a request from King Saud that Jordan send one or two aircraft to Saudi territory to help stop attacks by Yemeni/UAR forces. (Ibid., 786H.00/11–762) On November 7, Macomber and British Ambassador Henniker-Major met with Hussein and sought to discourage him from sending the aircraft, but Hussein and Prime Minister Tell insisted that the planes would be sent, because Jordan had treaty obligations with Saudi Arabia. (Telegram 248 from Amman, November 7; ibid. 786.5622/11–762) After learning that Lord Home had sent a personal message to Hussein on the subject, Macomber met again with the King on November 9 but was unable to dissuade him. On November 10, Tell informed Macomber that six Hunter aircraft had arrived at Taif that morning. (Telegram 256 from Amman, November 10; ibid., 786.5622/11–1062) Additional documentation is ibid., 685.86A, 786H.00, and 785.5622.