66. Memorandum of Conversation0


  • Yemen Situation


  • Ahmad Zabarah, Charge d’Affaires, Yemen Legation, Washington, D.C.
  • Mr. Talcott W. Seelye, NE

Mr. Zabarah reiterated his impassioned statements, enunciated earlier in person and over the ‘phone on several occasions during the previous week, regarding the turn of events in Yemen. He asked the US to save Yemen from the Egyptians, and to help Prince Hassan to restore the Imamate. He noted the ultimatum by the USSR and the UAR that all other parties should keep “hands off” Yemen. The U.S. should make a similar statement and specifically have reference to USSR-UAR involvement in Yemen. He deplored the interview accorded by Ambassador Badeau to Ayni, Foreign Minister of the revolutionary regime. He said the Cairo press and radio had made political capital out of this interview. He said, “You are not only letting your friends down, but encouraging your enemies.”

With regard to events inside Yemen, Mr. Zabarah claimed that the executions of officials of the Imamate regime would lead to revenge killings since a number of key tribal groups had been affected. He said the absence of an Imam would do violence to traditional religious practices in Yemen; Zaydi tenets require the existence of the Imam especially as a leader for prayer. Yemenis are now staying away from prayers.

Mr. Seelye explained in some detail the reasons why the U.S. cannot become actively involved in the Yemeni situation (e.g. such as supporting Prince Hassan) and assured Mr. Zabarah that we were in no hurry to extend recognition. He said that if and when we decided to recognize the new regime, we would inform Mr. Zabarah in advance.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/10-362. Secret. Drafted by Seelye on October 10.