306. Telegram From the Department of State to Secretary of State Rusk, in Moscow0

Tosec 35. Ref Secto 8 (rptd London 67; Cairo 3; Taiz 2; Jidda 3),1 hope approach to U Thant can be carried out soonest. Seems to us success disengagement jeopardized by UAR delay in withdrawing its troops. At [Page 665] present rate of withdrawal, many months will elapse before process completed. Meanwhile, Saudis who have terminated their aid to royalists, getting restless and have cause to wonder why they are paying half cost of UN operation which (from their point of view) is really cover for continuing UAR intervention in Yemen. While we understand SYG has requested both parties to continue contribute to UNYOM financing for another two months, we as yet unaware their response and would appreciate learning ASAP outcome of his approaches to them.

Believe moment has come for SYG to dispatch emissary to area, as both USUN and UKUN have separately urged, particularly to ascertain Nasser’s intentions and to speed up action. We can assist by private pressure as required, as we already doing, but certainly preferable for UN continue out in front.

Our considered judgment, however, is that it not appropriate for UN representative to get involved in internal matters in Yemen, such as possible realignment of government, as UK has proposed to SYG. We ourselves are exploring possibilities of improvement UAR-SAG relations and broadening base of YAR regime. While UN might conceivably play complementary role at some stage, believe for time being prudent to have UN concentrate its political efforts on getting disengagement while we explore other political questions.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 UAR-YEMEN. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to London, Cairo, Taiz, Jidda, and USUN. Rusk was in Moscow to sign the Limited Test Ban Treaty.
  2. In Secto 8 from Moscow, August 5, Rusk reported that during a conversation, British Foreign Secretary Lord Home reiterated British concern over UAR failure to withdraw from Yemen. Rusk and Home agreed to speak to U Thant on this subject. (Ibid.)