168. Memorandum for the Record0


  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Group (CI)
  • 2 p.m., Thursday, February 28, 1963


  • Mr. Johnson, Mr. Gilpatric, Mr. Bell, General Taylor, Mr. McCone, Mr. Murrow, Mr. Forrestal
  • Mr. Bundy was present for Mr. Gilpatric during Item 1.
  • Gov. Williams and Mr. Komer were also present for Item 1.
  • Mr. Bowling was present for Item 2.

[Here follows item 1 on Africa.]

2. Progress Report on the Internal Defense Plan for Iran1

Mr. Bowling discussed with the members the current progress report, noting that earlier threats to internal security have been greatly diminished through recent actions of the Shah relating to land reform. As a result there are no insurgency focal points at this time. Mr. Bowling observed, however, that the success of land reform will in itself inspire additional problems which if not resolved may serve to produce new threats. He stressed the value of the police riot control program and the necessity of maintaining high police and military morale and efficiency. He also noted that the U.S. Government may be called upon to provide increased economic assistance in order to fill the gap created by lower agricultural production which probably will follow the land reform in the short term.

In the meantime the Embassy is encouraging the Iranian Government to pay increasingly greater attention to good relations with the Kurdish minority group. In its foreign relations we are encouraging Iran to maintain a friendly attitude toward the new government in Baghdad.

[Page 374]

In noting the progress report the members agreed that Mr. Bundy will review the status of the September 29 request from the country team for five additional warrant officers skilled in riot control, to augment the current advisory personnel working with the MAP supported gendarmerie. Mr. Bell noted that decision on the request for an advisor on mounted police riot control techniques is pending resolution of a difference of opinion as to the value of mounted forces for this task.

The Chairman informed the members that as police support programs for Iran were of particular interest to the President last spring, he will have a memorandum prepared to inform the President of the progress made in this field during the past year.2

[Here follow the remaining items.]

James W. Dingeman3
  1. Source: Department of State, Special Group, Counterinsurgency Files: Lot 68 D 451, Minutes of Meetings. Secret.
  2. A memorandum prepared for the Special Group prior to this meeting, entitled “Progress Report, Internal Defense Plan—Iran,” is ibid., DEF 6 IRAN. A memorandum by McCone, written after the February 28 meeting, indicated that he “took reservation on certain aspects of the paper which involved covert action and political action, indicating that he wished the right to call such matters up before the 5412 Committee.” McCone recorded the following action: “If CIA considers this necessary, then more explicit views should be developed in a paper for presentation to the 5412 Group. I believe, however, that from reading the paper, the need to do this is very marginal, and suggest we not raise the question with 5412 unless there is a definite necessity and obvious conflict.” (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 80 D 01285A, DCI (McCone) Files, Memoranda for the Record) No additional information on any 5412 Committee consideration of this subject has been found.
  3. Reference is to a March 7 memorandum from U. Alexis Johnson to President Kennedy, entitled “U.S. Assistance to the Iranian National Police.” (Department of State, Central Files, AID(US) 8 IRAN)
  4. Dingeman signed above the typed signature of Executive Secretary Thomas W. Davis, Jr.