75. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Poland0

848. PL 480 meeting called by Poles yesterday after more than two week unexplained delay. Poles indicated general acceptance US offer January 3 but asked whether US could not agree (1) switch 100,000 tons wheat to feed grains and (2) permit half of value cash cotton purchase (estimated $3.5 million) be switched to feed. Request explained by critical need feed grains and easier availability wheat on world market on credit terms. US representatives referred previous statements on impossibility financing feed grains for Poland under PL 480. Confident US response would be negative. We intend confirm negative response later this week.1

On separate private basis Lychowski stated he had instructions “undoubtedly from very high sources” to request inclusion in PL 480 agreement or in associated agreement credit to purchase 500,000 automobile tires of assorted sizes for use horse-drawn peasant carts. Obviously embarrassed Lychowski stated he obliged make request but did not wish do so in plenary. Department representatives stated that Lychowski could easily guess the answer, viz., tires not eligible under PL 480 and no other financing available.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.4841/1–2263. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Katz and cleared by Vedeler.
  2. The Department of State turned down the Polish request at the January 24 meeting of the U.S.-Polish negotiating teams. Minutes of that meeting are ibid., 411.4841/1–2463. The Polish Delegation accepted the U.S. offer on January 29. The text of the agreement was transmitted to the Embassy in telegram 889 to Warsaw, January 29. (Ibid., 611.4841/1–2963)