370. Telegram From the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State 0

398. Immediately on receipt President’s message1 I got in touch with Foreign Minister Sarper with view to arranging see Gursel. Sarper was in Cabinet Meeting at time in another Ministry but returned to Foreign Office to see me. Upon explaining my mission he said he had been expecting me since he had short time before received telephone call from Turkish Ambassador Washington, which had subsequently been confirmed by telegram, conveying identical message communicated to Ambassador by Secretary Rusk except for detail in version sent me to effect coincident arrival our troops could be “acutely embarrassing”.2

Sarper said immediately following telephone call from Washington he had gone to see Gursel who was in company of Oz Ilek and Ulay. Since CNU was due to meet shortly thereafter (i.e., 6 p.m.) Gursel asked Sarper to put message in writing as soon as confirmed and send text to him during CNU meeting. In my presence Sarper then dictated message to Gursel relating both to confirmatory telegram from Turkish Ambassador and message transmitted through me, stressing that I was at that time in his presence. (Message was being sent to Gursel as I left office.)

I then asked Sarper if there was anything more I could do, noting that I had been instructed to see Gursel personally but circumstances seemed to have overtaken that. Sarper replied very categorically that there was absolutely nothing further that either my government or I could do. Our conscience should be clear in that regard.

I asked Sarper if 6 p.m. meeting would be definitive and if so what outcome might be expected. He said Cabinet had been in virtually continuous session for past week and had met on two occasions with CNU. In course joint meetings Sarper, Minister Finance Kurdas and Minister Justice Turkoglu had expressed views on behalf Cabinet as quite strongly advising that possible death penalties should not be carried out. Sarper said, in addition to Cabinet, Gursel and all armed forces commanders shared this view. As regards CNU, committee was divided [Page 710] with “seeming majority on our side”. Everything possible being done and we could await results.

Sarper added that present situation is turning point in Turkey’s history and both sides fully aware of that. Problem is that on one side is reason and experience and on other rashness and disposition resort to brute force.

Concerning reported illness of Menderes, Sarper said Menderes had apparently kept supply sleeping pills for occasion and had taken overdose but that efforts now being made revive him. Sarper commented it was indeed ironic to be making such effort to save his life merely to be able to hang him.

Sarper also noted that there had been irresponsible rumors that attempts might be made against his life and lives of other Ministers supporting cause of clemency but Cabinet members had not been impressed and were sticking to their positions.

In conclusion Sarper requested that this frank discussion be held very closely since any leak could be quite disastrous.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 782.00/9–1561. Secret; Niact; Presidential Handling.
  2. In telegram 276, September 15, Secretary Rusk instructed Hare to seek a meeting with Gursel and, on behalf of President Kennedy, express deep concern regarding the prospective executions and urge their postponement. (Ibid.)
  3. U.S. troops were scheduled to take part in a NATO exercise, “Checkmate.” Rusk may have delivered the message by telephone because no record of a conversation between the Secretary and the Turkish Ambassador has been found and Rusk’s Appointment Books contain no indication of a meeting. (Johnson Library)
  4. In telegram 400 from Ankara, September 16, Hare reported that Sarper had provided a detailed summary of the discussions within the CNU over clemency. (Department of State, Central Files, 782.00/9–1661) Ultimately, the Turkish leadership reached a compromise that commuted the death sentences of 11 former government officials. The CNU also agreed in a separate action to spare the life of former President Bayar because of his advanced age. Turkey executed former Foreign Minister Zorlu and former Finance Minister Polatkan on September 16 and former Prime Minister Menderes on September 17.