304. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Cyprus0
553. Turk Ambassador Washington December 24 requested see Assistant Secretary Talbot. Stated he calling on urgent instructions; described worsening situation Cyprus, emphasizing alleged merger of police units with EOKA organization and attacks on Turk Cypriot women and children. Described pressure Turkish public opinion on GOT as increasing; thanked US for helpful actions thus far; asked USG do everything necessary restore situation.
Talbot replied that USG shared GOT concern over violence in Cyprus and would continue be helpful in any way possible. Talbot pointed out primary responsibility of Cypriot communities and special role of guarantor powers, congratulated GOT for participating in tri-partite cease-fire and good offices appeal just announced, and emphasized necessity GOT staying in line with other Guarantor Powers.
Turk Ambassador, noting he now departing from his instructions, said real element of pressure was that Turkish armed forces would act with or without civilian government.
Talbot said both US and UK are convinced that leaders both communities in Cyprus sincere in deploring bloodshed and seeking cease-fire. Turk Ambassador appeared mildly skeptical re Makarios but did not argue point.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 25 Cyp. Confidential. Drafted by Bowling and approved by Talbot. Also sent to Ankara, Athens, London, and Istanbul and repeated to Rome, Paris Topol, and USCINCEUR.↩