269. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Greece 0

624. References: (A) Embtel 691 rptd Nicosia 41, London 21, Ankara 47.1 (B) Ankara’s 769, rptd Nicosia 46, London 95, Athens 79.2

We welcome Averoff’s frankness in communicating his views on Cyprus situation and are encouraged by his continued emphasis on need for both communities exercise moderation and realism in efforts work out compromise solution current problem over municipalities. We believe position you took with Averoff in para 7 reftel was proper one,3 and do not at this time wish suggest further points you might make with him.

FYI: We recognize situation may soon develop to point where effective prosecution US interests in area will require us come out in support of specific approaches toward resolution of dispute, instead of restricting our role to counseling moderation. However, we still hope latter stance may, by discouraging Cypriots from expecting outsiders to bail them out, contribute critical margin necessary to get Cypriots solve problem themselves. Much depends on GOT position, as well as events and current talks in Cyprus; we are awaiting further information from Ankara and Nicosia. Averoff’s proposal for one year extension old municipalities arrangement strikes us as having merit, but we prefer refrain from endorsing it, or other possible approaches, either with Averoff or with other interested parties, pending basic decision as to whether our present stance continues be viable. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780A.00/1–1463. Confidential. Drafted by Coon, cleared by NEA, and approved by Grant. Repeated to Nicosia, London, Ankara, and Istanbul.
  2. Telegram 691 from Athens, January 14, reported that Foreign Minister Averoff had expressed concern that the Cyprus situation was becoming dangerous and stressed the Greek Government’s desire for a moderate solution and its efforts to restrain Makarios. Averoff urged the United States to restrain Turkey. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 769 from Ankara, January 14, reported on increased Turkish concerns regarding Cyprus and warnings from Foreign Office officials that Prime Minister Inonu would completely back the Turkish Cypriot leadership. (Ibid., 780A.00/1–1363)
  4. The relevant part of paragraph 7 reads: “I told Averoff we do not wish to become involved in situation, as we considered this a matter for parties to work out.” Labouisse added that the United States would urge all parties to “take a moderate approach.”