279. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense McNamara to the Secretaries of the Army (Vance), Navy (Korth), and Air Force (Stahr)0


  • Armed Forces Training Program for Members of the 2506 Cuban Brigade

The attached military training program1 for members of the 2506 Cuban Brigade, is approved. The Secretary of the Army, as the Department of Defense Executive Agent for all aspects of Cuban policy, will direct implementation of this program by the Services. The military departments will be prepared to begin processing both enlisted and officer Brigade members by 25 February 1963.

It is recognized that adequate personnel standards must be maintained, but the objectives of this program must not be frustrated by unduly rigid adherence to current high induction standards. The age limit for induction of enlisted men of the 2506 Cuban Brigade for the attached program will be 18 through 34. The age limit for commissioning Brigade officers will be 21 through 45. Notwithstanding existing Service policies and regulations concerning temporary appointments of non-declarant aliens as commissioned officers, Brigade personnel who apply for officer training and who meet stated requirements will be commissioned in the Service of their choice as ensigns or second lieutenants.

After completion of training, Brigade members who desire to continue on active duty will be permitted to do so if they qualify and are selected. Enlisted trainees who, upon completion of their training, do not continue on active duty may be discharged or, if they desire and are qualified, will become members of the standby Reserve. Officers who, upon completion of their training, do not continue on active duty will be released or, if they desire and are qualified, will become members of the standby Reserve.

The Air Force will conduct all English language training provided for in the attached program.

The Army will induct Brigade members from age 35 through 50 who volunteer and meet appropriate qualifications for a special eight week military training program. Upon completion of this training program, such inductees, if they desire and are qualified, will become members of the standby Reserve.

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The Miami Armed Forces Induction and Examining Station will provide for group processing of Brigade members and for their transportation to designated training centers.

Funding and manpower requirements resulting from implementation of the program will be absorbed by the military departments. Expenditures in connection with this program should be identified separately.

Robert S. McNamara 2
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD (C) A Files:FRC 71 A 2896, Yarmolinsky Files, Cuban Volunteer Program. Confidential.
  2. Attached, but not printed.
  3. Printed from a copy that indicates McNamara signed the original.