59. Minutes of Meeting of the Special Group for Counterinsurgency1


  • Mr. Johnson, the Attorney General, Mr. Gilpatric, Mr. Murrow, Mr. Forrestal, Mr. Janow and Mr. Wolf vice Mr. Bell, General Krulak vice General Taylor, Mr. Karamessines vice Mr. McCone
  • Mr. Koren was present for Items 1 and 2

[Here follows discussion of Thailand under item 1, “Southeast Asia Status Report”.]

South Viet-Nam

General Krulak observed that Viet-Cong activities during the last six months have been at a level 50% less than last year. It is not known whether this means they are regrouping for a greater effort, or if their capability has been reduced.

[Page 151]

Mr. Murrow stated that our press relations in Saigon suggest to him the need for a single U.S. spokesman, to represent both civilian and military officials, under close direction from Washington. Mr. Murrow was asked to develop this idea and to again bring it up for. discussion.

The members agreed to re-examine the military justification for continued use of defoliants.

[Here follows discussion of items 2, “Progress Report on the Internal Defense Plan for Cambodia”; 3, “Review of Counterinsurgency Programs in Venezuela”; and 4, “Military Mobile Training Teams”, and “Miscellaneous Items” which do not relate to Vietnam.]

James W. Dingeman
Executive Secretary
  1. Source: Department of State, Special Group Counterinsurgency Files: Lot 68 D 451, Special Group (Cl). Secret. Drafted by Dingeman who is not listed among the participants.