182. Message From President Kennedy to Prince Sihanouk1

I thank Your Royal Highness for the message sent to me on June 14.2 I have followed with concern the events within the Republic of Viet-Nam. The right of every individual freely to practice his faith is basic to my own philosophy and that of the United States. While recognizing that external interference from any source would be inappropriate, I share with Your Royal Highness the hope for a settlement of the recent misunderstandings. I was therefore relieved at the news of the agreement reached.

John F. Kennedy3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, SOC 14-1 S VIET. Confidential. Transmitted to Phnom Penh in telegram 763, June 20, which is the source text. Telegram 763 was drafted by Daniel N. Arzac, Officer in Charge of Cambodian Affairs and cleared by Koren, Wood, Hilsman, and, in draft, by President Kennedy.
  2. Document 173.
  3. Telegram 763 bears this typed signature.