409. Editorial Note
The Commander in Chief, Pacific, Admiral Herbert Riley, and his Assistant Political Adviser, Thomas Corcoran, visited Vientiane September 24–26. They held discussions with the members of the Country Team and with all the political officers in the Embassy. Riley’s account of the visit is in CINCPAC telegram 5849 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, September 29. (Department of State, EA Files: Lot 68 D 77, Laos 1960, Part I) Corcoran wrote his own impressions of the trip in a memorandum to Sterling Cottrell, CINCPAC POLAD, September 30. (Washington National Records Center, OSD/ISA Files: FRC 64 A 2170, 092 Asia) Cottrell sent a letter to Parsons on October 1 explaining his view of the visit and providing Parsons a copy of Corcoran’s memorandum. (Department of State, FE/SEA (Laos) Files: Lot 65 D 169, 350 Pol Affairs, 10/60 Laos)
All these documents are included in the microfiche supplement.