74. Minutes of the 76th Meeting of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy0

[Here follow a list of participants and discussion of unrelated matters.]

III. CFEP 570—Agricultural Surpluses for Peace

The Council on Foreign Economic Policy discussed a proposal by the Secretary of Agriculture for an International Conference on “Food for Peace”. The basis for this proposal is contained in CFEP 570/info2 dated May 12, 1958. Under this proposal the free world exporting and importing nations would convene in Washington to [Page 174] determine the food needs of each nation and how these needs could be met on a commercial basis and by special programs, the latter to be employed on a “tapering-off” basis.
Secretary Benson stated that the purpose of the conference was to dramatize the generosity of the United States in assisting the under-developed countries and to make the best use of our greatest advantage over the Soviet Union, which is in the field of Agriculture.
Secretary Benson said that he was presenting this proposal to the CFEP at this time to see whether it had sufficient merit to justify further serious consideration.
After full discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal, it was the consensus of the Council that there was considerable doubt as to the wisdom of calling an International Conference on “Food for Peace” at this time. The CFEP agreed with Secretary Benson that the United States should obtain the maximum foreign policy advantages in the disposal of its agricultural surpluses and invited further suggestions to achieve this objective.

Paul H. Cullen
Lt. Col., USA
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, CFEP Records, Office Series, Council Minutes, 1958 (1). Official Use Only.
  2. The meeting was held at the Executive Office Building.
  3. Document 66.