212. Editorial Note
In a January 11, 1958, letter, President Eisenhower asked Eric Johnston, President of the Motion Picture Association of America and former Chairman of the International Development Advisory Board, to convene a bipartisan conference on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. national security. Eisenhower requested that the conference examine ways to disseminate information about this topic to the public. For text, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1958, pages 16–17.
The President emphasized his support for the Mutual Security Program in a January 13 statement transmitting his fiscal year 1959 budget proposals to the Congress and in the Economic Report of the President, sent to the Congress on January 20. Texts are printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1958, pages 12–25, and Department of State Bulletin, February 10, 1958, pages 228–235, respectively.