52. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

528. Re: membership meeting. Despite considerations advanced Delga 632,2 Mission should support renewed SC consideration of long-standing membership applications ROK and Viet-Nam as instructed Deptel 516.3

Not to do so, when SC is meeting to consider membership Guinea, would be construed as decreased interest our part to support two well qualified states. Communist obstructive tactics should not deter UN from making clear Communist responsibility this impasse and continuing UN interest welfare these Free World governments. [Page 87] Effect sustaining morale ROK and Viet-Nam also important considerations. Moreover, we have already undertaken in consultations with them to support their applications.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.11/12–858. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Hawley and Bacon on December 6; cleared by Kohler, Bacon, Ferguson, Ludlow, Monsma, SEA, and NA; and approved by Wilcox who signed for Herter.
  2. Delga 632, December 5, reported a general reluctance among Security Council members to consider the question of admitting Vietnam and Korea to the United Nations, advised the Department to reconsider its instructions to introduce the matter, and outlined the factors militating against such a move. (ibid., 320.11/12–558)
  3. See footnote 4, Document 48.