447. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

Gadel 98. Re: Outer Space (Delga 3772). Department believes essential you consistently maintain separation principle in outer space resolution. As appropriate, indicate US unwilling accept references to control outer space in our resolution, as would confuse issue and bring [Page 868] difficult and contentious disarmament question into development peaceful uses cooperation. Present preambular paragraphs 2 and 6 as far as we consider wise to go in view purpose resolution.

Proposals re ensuring outer space be used exclusively for peaceful purposes more appropriately matter for reconstituted Disarmament Commission to consider rather than proposed Ad Hoc Committee which dealing with program of International Cooperation separate from aspects of disarmament. You may add US proposal discuss disarmament aspects outer space with Soviets still stands, as does recommendation GA Resolution 1148 (XII).3 US hopes Soviets will agree necessary technical talks and is willing consider suggestions re encouragement negotiations this matter in appropriate forum.

Moreover, discussion use outer space for military purposes in UN at present undesirable, as this raises questions likely be covered as part Geneva talks re surprise attack on which GA has already adopted resolution. GA should avoid any action that might prejudge or prejudice success these talks.

Coordinate responses re this topic with UK.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.11/11–1158. Confidential. Drafted by Buffum and Marcus on November 10 and cleared by Spiers, Meeker, and Breithut. Approved by Wilcox who signed for Herter.
  2. Delga 377, November 7, reported that the delegation had given out the text of a draft resolution and that the Soviet Union was preparing its own draft. (Ibid., 701.022/11–758) The U.S. draft was transmitted in Delga 378, November 7. (Ibid.) The Soviet draft was transmitted in Delga 453, November 18. (Ibid., 701.022/11–1858) For text, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1958, p. 1426.
  3. Dated November 14, 1957; see U.N. doc. A3805.