36. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1

906. Following based on uncleared memo of conversation:2

Secretary informed Iranian Foreign Minister Hekmat September 29 US continued support Iran for SC and while not prepared electioneer, US would inform any nation asking our views of our continued support for Iran’s candidacy. In reply question from Secretary, Hekmat indicated present Iranian estimate it now had about fifty percent of votes, with success dependent on Latin American support. Hekmat indicated belief that it up to UK-US indicate whether Iran should continue seek election SC or withdraw.

Secretary informed Hekmat that decision to withdraw was up to Iran but agreed US would make own discreet count number votes favoring Iran’s SC candidacy and inform Iranians of result.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/9–3058. Confidential. Drafted by Ludlow and NE, cleared by Hartley and Calhoun, and approved by Rountree who signed for Dulles. Repeated to USUN.
  2. Not printed. (ibid., 330/9–2958)
  3. Gadel 26, September 30, instructed the USUN to estimate how the other delegations would vote between Iran and Tunisia based on informal conversations rather than systematic polling, in order to avoid any appearance of U.S. campaigning on Iran’s behalf. (ibid., 320/9–3058) The mission transmitted its estimate in Delga 80, October 3, noting that even with the most favorable vote, Iran could not win a two-thirds majority, that the British also felt Iran could not win, and that the Iranian Representative had indicated that Iran would probably withdraw from the race. (ibid., 320/10–258)