30. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions Abroad1

267. View current speculation re GA presidency, Embassy should unless it perceives overriding objections inform Foreign Office soonest at appropriately high level US continues support Malik and hopes other friendly states will take similar position. Embassy should note Malik candidacy has now been publicly endorsed by Lebanese President-elect. Report reaction soonest.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/9–1258. Official Use Only; Priority. Drafted by Hartley; initialed by Cargo; cleared with AF, ARA, EUR, FE, and NEA; and approved by Wilcox who signed for Dulles. Sent to 48 missions worldwide and repeated to Baghdad, Beirut, Khartoum, Jidda, and USUN. Telegram 217, September 12, instructed the USUN to inform the other delegations of continued U.S. support for Malik. (Ibid.)