243. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in New Zealand1

194. Congo Credentials—ref USUN 1330 to Dept repeated info Wellington 3.2 We strongly hope New Zealand will support full recognition of credentials of Kasavubu representatives in Credentials Committee and in GA. Shanahan suggestion contained reftel that Kasavubu be recognized for discussion of Congo item only would in our judgment cause serious loss in Kasavubu’s prestige and would be interpreted as substantial victory for Lumumba forces. Would be impossible for Kasavubu to accept “second class” treatment and maintain power and vigor his constitutional position as Chief of State.

[Page 440]

While we fully understand there are risks of African abstentions, we see no other acceptable alternative than to seek full acceptance credentials Kasavubu representatives. If Conciliation Commission were to go to Congo in absence affirmative indication GA support for Kasavubu’s position, consequence would be to bolster Lumumba’s prospects for return to position of influence. Presence of Kasavubu in New York means that credentials issue must be faced now. We are hopeful that as result of consultations now going on substantial African support will be forthcoming.

Further factor is that if Kasavubu is rebuffed in UNGA, prospects his further cooperation with UN in Congo will be heavily jeopardized. This would be serious added element of instability in already difficult situation.

We are taking up this question along foregoing lines with New Zealand representatives in New York and have done likewise with New Zealand Chargé here. While time factor is short, believe follow-up action by Embassy could be helpful unless Embassy believes involvement PriminNash would prove counterproductive complication. Embassy will have also received Circular 665 re Congo credentials in question.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 303/11–960. Confidential; Niact. Drafted by Cargo, cleared by Sullivan and in substance with Woodruff, and approved by Wallner who signed for Herter. Repeated to USUN.
  2. Telegram 1330 from USUN, November 9, reported that the New Zealand Representative had suggested that Kasavubu be recognized for discussion of the Congo only. (Ibid.)
  3. Not found.