241. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

865. Congolese Credentials. As indicated Deptel 866,2 believe Credentials Committee meeting should be held soonest to approve credentials of Congolese representatives other than Kasavubu. Since Kasavubu is Head of State, believe no issue re his capacity to head Congolese delegation should be placed directly before Credentials Committee or Assembly. We should make clear to GA President and any delegation with whom we discuss that there can be no question as to Kasavubu’s position as Head of State and his authority to serve as Congolese chief representative at UN.

Believe therefore resolution to be submitted in Credentials Committee should take following form:

“The Credentials Committee recommends that the General Assembly accept the credentials of the representatives of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) issued by the Head of the State and communicated by him to the President of the General Assembly in a letter dated October 21, 1960”. Once this resolution is adopted in Credentials Committee and by Assembly, there can be no question of standing of Bomboko, Adoula, and Cardoso as representatives of Congo. Furthermore once this resolution has been approved there could be no further hesitancy on part of GA President to treat Kasavubu as chairman of Congolese delegation, as well as Head of State, if Kasavubu so desires.

Re chairmanship of Congolese delegation, it would probably be helpful if Kasavubu were to send to GA President communication stating who is in charge. We have in mind letter along following lines with any necessary adjustments correspond to Kasavubu decisions re assignments Congolese: “Dear Mr. President, During the sojourn in New York of the Head of the State of the Republic of the Congo, the undersigned will act as chairman of the delegation of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville). Upon the departure of the Head of the State from New York, Mr. Cyrille Adoula, Senator of the Republic, will serve as chairman. Should Mr. Adoula be absent, Mr. Mario Cardoso [Page 438] will serve as chairman of the delegation. Signed Joseph Kasavubu, President of the Republic of the Congo”. Suggest you take this up with Kasavubu on his arrival. Alternative which Congolese might prefer would be to name Bomboko as chairman of delegation during period both he and Kasavubu are in NY. Believe it would be helpful to have Congolese communication on delegation chairmanship circulated as UN document prior to Credentials Committee meeting.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 303/11–760. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Meeker, cleared by Satterthwaite, and approved by Wallner who signed for Dillon. Repeated to Leopoldville and Brussels.
  2. Telegram 866, November 7 (10:04 p.m.), instructed the Mission to call an immediate meeting of the Credentials Committee and transmitted the text of a draft resolution on the situation in the Congo. (Ibid.)