103. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Washington, October 26,
1959—7:31 p.m.
Gadel 68. Re: Enlargement Item. Confirming Sisco–Buffum Telecon:2
- 1.
- Dept considers revised Salvadoran draft resolution marked improvement over previous draft3 but would still hope Latin American-Afro Asian consultations will result in dropping of Committee proposal and agreement on compromise text.
- 2.
- If no agreement reached, both revised Salvadoran and Afro-Asian texts4 acceptable Dept. While we still prefer Afro-Asian text, recognize that USGadel efforts have this resolution voted on first in apparent absence any spontaneous Afro-Asian move this direction [Page 192] would have serious repercussions among LAs. We also recognize US failure support Committee proposal could be misinterpreted as weakening US position on enlargement vis-à-vis USSR which can be expected oppose such proposal. Furthermore we see possibility, as was case last year, of both resolutions being adopted.
- 3.
- USGADel therefore authorized, depending on tactical situation, support either revised Salvadoran or Afro-Asian draft resolution or both, or compromise text marrying these two drafts.
- 4.
- If there is move place item on enlargement ICJ on provisional agenda 15th session, you should vote for inclusion unless you would be in minority in doing so.5
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/10–2659. Official Use Only. Drafted by Hartley; initialed by Sisco; cleared by Nunley, Green, and Ludlow, and in substance with Meeker, Bacon, and Monsma; and approved by Cargo who signed for Herter.↩
- No record of this conversation has been found.↩
- For text of the revised draft resolution introduced in the Special Political Committee by EL Salvador on October 26, see U.N. doc. A/SPC/L.32/Rev. For texts of previous drafts, see U.N. docs. A/SPC/L.32 and A/SPC/L.32/Rev.1.↩
- For text of the draft resolution introduced in the Special Political Committee by 12 Afro-Asian nations, see U.N. docs. A/SPC/L.33 and A/SPC/L.33/Add.l.↩
- On October 28–29, the Special Political Committee voted to recommend that the General Assembly adopt two draft resolutions on increasing the Security and Economic and Social Councils. For texts of the draft resolutions and a record of these deliberations, see U.N. doc. A/4256. On November 25, the General Assembly adopted the first draft resolution, 1404 (XIV), and decided not to vote on the second. The United States supported these decisions. For a record of these deliberations, see U.N. doc. A/PV.843.↩