- Ackerman, Arthur, 170–171
- Adams, Maj. Gen. Paul D., 64
- Adams, Sherman, 248n, 257n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 122
- Agricultural labor program, U.S.–Japanese, 130, 400, 401–402, 448, 500
- Allison, John M., 2–3, 5n, 110,
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese relations, 179n
- Defense issues in Japan, 23, 174
- Budget (1955), 49, 50, 51–52, 62, 68–72
- Budget (1956), 133–137, 144–146, 148–150
- Budget (1957), 246–247, 249
- Build-up of forces, 6–8
- Decrease in overall defense effort, 31–32
- Inner Cabinet Defense Council, 81–82
- Joint consultation, U.S.-Japanese, 109
- U.N. Charter–Security Treaty relationship, 469–470
- Dulles’ Japan visit, 156, 163
- Hoover’s Japan visit, 128–131
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 80, 81n
- NSC5516, 17–19
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 200–201
- Political situation in Japan, 190–191
- Ryukyus and Bonins, repatriation of islanders, 142–143, 170–171
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 90, 97, 111, 121
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 202n, 213
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 15
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 3
- Alsop, Joseph, 71
- Amau, 51
- American Cotton Manufacturers Institute, 248
- Amory, Robert, 438n
- Anderson, Dillon, 137, 188
- Anderson, Robert B., 507–508
- Ando, Yoshimitsu, 97, 111
- Arms control:
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 132–133
- Asakai, Koichiro, 338–339, 368, 369, 377, 387, 392, 398, 404, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 413, 414, 488, 500, 506–507, 524
- Asbjornson, Mildred J., 306n, 320n
- “Asia for the Asians” doctrine, 13
- Atomic weapons. See Nuclear and atomic weapons.
- Australia, 356, 389, 393
- Baig, M. S. A., 427
- Baldwin, Charles F., 38n
- Bandung Conference, 14, 93
- Becker, Loftus E., 387, 392, 405, 413, 425n, 457, 459n, 465n, 468n
- Bell, James D., 17n
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 174
- Berding, Andrew H., 156, 307, 386, 405, 410, 413
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 117n, 118n, 298n, 302n, 303n, 305n, 332n, 342n, 345n, 375n
- Biddle, Gen., 156, 215
- Blackman, Herbert, 248n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 207–209
- Bonin Islands. See Ryukyus and Bonins.
- Bow, Frank T., 299, 303n
- Bowie, Robert R., 27, 29, 156, 244n, 325n, 427
- Bridges, Styles, 302
- Brownell, Herbert, 375, 417n
- Brucker, Wilber M., 301–304, 305–308, 322
- Brynes, James, 167
- Buchanan, Wiley T., 338n
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 176, 177
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 539
- Carpenter, Stanley S., 296
- Chiang Kai-shek, 428
- Chiba, Koh, 97, 111, 235, 237, 296, 314, 331–332, 368, 386, 387, 390, 392, 404, 413
- Chiefs of Mission, U.S., conference at Baguio (March 1955), 17n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, threat to, 12–13
- Normalization of relations with Japan, possible, 179n, 230
- Trade with Japan, 5, 12, 26, 32
- Chinese economic situation and, 550
- Chinese trade representative, 497–498, 499
- Dulles–Kishi discussion of, 399, 400–401
- Eisenhower’s position, 338–339, 375
- Japanese policy, 56, 129, 184
- NSC discussions of, 46–48, 174–175
- Public attitudes in Japan and U.S., 239
- Soviet-Japanese relations and, 67
- Strategic materials, 168
- Trade control quotas, 448
- U.K. trade policy and, 338, 360, 373
- U.S. policy, 5–6, 59, 113, 114, 168, 238–240
- U.N. membership, 94
- U.S. policy toward, 93–94, 158–159
- China, Republic of, 93, 129, 158, 269, 316
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 334
- Chou En-lai, 13, 94
- Churchill, Sir Winston S., 163–164
- Colombo Plan meeting, 131
- Congress, U.S.:
- Cutler, Robert, 343–344
- Davis, Oscar, 366–367
- Dearborn, Frederick M., 516
- Dechert, Robert, 298, 333, 366, 367
- Decker, Gen. George H., 428
- Defense issues in Japan (see also
Mutual Defense Treaty, U.S.–Japanese; Nuclear and atomic weapons; U.S.
military assistance to Japan; U.S. military
presence in Japan):
- Air defense system, 452–453, 539–540, 551
- Air Self-Defense Force, 214–215, 352
- Aircraft production, 14–16, 215–216, 420–421, 433, 535, 536
- Basic national defense policy (May 1957), 432
- Budget (1955), 2
- Budget (1956):
- Budget (1957), 215
- Budget process, reform of, 72, 82, 102–103, 107
- Build-up of forces, 215, 247
- Collective defense concept, 381–383
- Communist threat, Japanese attitude toward, 339–340
- Decrease in overall defense effort, 31–32
- Defense industry, development of, 60, 69
- Dulles–Kishi meetings on, 377–386, 387–392
- Dulles–Shigemitsu meeting on, 96–104
- Expenditures-capability comparison, 354, 384–385
- Expiration of Security Treaty, 387, 390
- Guided missiles, 420
- Inner Cabinet Defense Council, 81–82
- Intergovernmental Committee on Security Treaty, 412, 415, 490–491, 525
- Joint consultation, U.S.–Japanese, 100–101, 109
- Kishi’s proposals, 277n
- Lemnitzer as U.S. representative on, 130
- Lemnitzer’s assessment of, 429
- Long-range planning, 39, 351
- Military documents in U.S., return of, 214
- Psychological impact of World War II, 354–355
- Radar sites, 421
- Runway extensions, 14, 69, 101, 540–541
- Security of military information, 263n, 269
- Self-Defense Forces, 172, 214–215, 329, 351, 352
- Strategic requirements, 120
- Troops used outside Japan, 101–102, 119, 160–161
- U.N. Charter–Security Treaty relationship, 387, 388, 439–441, 454–455, 457–461, 464–470
- Deming, Olcott H., 548–549
- Dewey, Thomas E., 121, 532–533
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 325n, 360, 401–402, 488, 500, 522n, 524n, 532
- Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 302
- Disarmament. See Arms control.
- Dodge, Joseph M., 48, 175
- Domnitsky, 161
- Doub, George C., 365
- Dulles, Allen W.:
- Dulles, John Foster, 16n, 240, 244n,
325, 443
- Agricultural labor program, 500
- Anti-Communist operations, high command proposal, 1
- Arms control, 92–93
- Asia policy, U.S., 158
- Bandung Conference, 14
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Cultural relations, U.S.–Japanese, 501
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Budget (1955), 62–63, 72n
- Budget (1956), 126–127
- Budget process, reform of, 102–103
- Build-up of forces, 45–45, 88
- Collective defense concept, 381–383
- Communist threat, Japanese attitude toward, 339–340
- Expenditures-capability comparison, 384–385
- Expiration of Security Treaty, 390
- Intergovernmental Committee on Security Treaty, 388–389, 405–406, 412, 415
- Runway extensions, 14
- Security of military information, 269
- Troops used outside Japan, 160–161
- U.N. Charter–Security Treaty relationship, 388, 453–455, 459–460, 465–467, 468–469
- Economic situation in Japan, 398–403
- Embassy–COMUS Japan relationship, 423–425
- Fujiyama, meeting with, 488–504
- Girard case:
- Ichimada, meeting with, 508n
- Japan visit:
- Japanese vested assets in U.S., 403
- Kishi’s U.S. visit:
- Agenda for, 346–349
- Assessment of, 427–428
- Communiqué on, 404–415
- Defense issues, meetings on, 377–386, 387–392
- Economics and trade, meeting on, 398–403
- Eisenhower–Kishi meetings, 369, 410
- Negotiations issue, 280, 286
- Nuclear testing, discussion of, 396–398
- Preparation for, 358–360
- War criminals, discussion of, 392–394
- Kono, meeting with, 524–528
- Korean (ROK)–Japanese relations, 165–166, 526
- Mutual Defense Treaty:
- NSC5516, 38, 40–46
- Nuclear and atomic weapons, 92–93, 157
- Okinawa:
- Political situation in Japan:
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 151, 232
- Civil administration issue, 197–198, 244–246
- Command of military forces, 197
- Education, Japanese participation in, 492
- Executive order on U.S. administration, 335
- Indemnification for exiles, 394, 412, 414, 488n, 502
- Japanese administration, proposed, 385
- NSC policy paper on, proposed, 513, 517
- Pacific Command reorganization and, 197
- Religious visits by exiles, 495
- Repatriation of islanders, 166, 310, 311n, 312n, 336, 359, 361–362, 385–386, 390–391, 414, 488n, 493, 502–503, 526
- Sovereignty question, 115–116, 408–411
- U.S. land policy, 197
- U.S. withdrawal, possible, 359
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit:
- Southeast Asian economic development:
- Joint U.S.–Japanese program, proposed, 162, 165
- U.S. policy, 403, 499–500, 526
- Soviet-Japanese relations:
- Etorofu and Kunashiri issue, 208–209
- Fishing rights, 176
- Habomai and Shikotans issue, 122, 208–209
- Japanese policy on domestic Communists and, 192
- Japanese response to Soviet toughness, 223–224, 229
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue, 29, 43, 74–75, 123n, 202–205, 208, 211
- Normalization negotiations, 11–12, 13, 216, 223n, 224, 226, 227–230, 234n
- Soviet intentions, 230
- U.S.–Japanese discussions of, 95, 161
- U.S. policy, 5–6
- War criminals, release of, 166–167, 177, 228
- Soviet Union:
- Textile imports by U.S., 400
- Trade issues, 169, 398–403
- United Nations, Japan’s admission to, 159, 177–178
- U.S. economic assistance to Japan:
- U.S.–Japanese relations, Soviet intentions in Asia and, 178
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 269
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 11n, 15, 114–115, 151
- Dykema, Jere H., 318
- Economic cooperation among Far Eastern nations. See Southeast Asian economic development.
- Economic situation in Japan (see also Trade issues), 26
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 428
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 46–48, 175, 338–339, 375
- Defense issues in Japan, 44, 45, 429
- Embassy–COMUS Japan relationship, 424n
- Girard case, 315n
- Kishi’s U.S. visit:
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 41
- Nationalism, worldwide growth of, 41
- NSC5516, 41–48
- Nuclear testing, 396, 509
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 182
- Ryukyus and Bonins:
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 91, 118n
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 43
- Textile imports by U.S., 374
- United Nations, Japan’s admission to, 236
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of:
- Eisenhower, Maj. John S. D., 428
- Elections. See under Political situation in Japan.
- Ellington, Charles G., Jr., 201n
- Etorofu and Kunashiri issue. See under Soviet-Japanese relations.
- Executive Order 10713 on U.S. administration of Ryukyus and Bonins, 281–282
- Export-Import Bank, 400, 402–403, 446–447
- Far Eastern conference, proposed, 118
- Finn, Richard B., 86, 90, 97, 111, 116n
- Fisher, Roger, 365
- Formosa. See China, Republic of.
- Fox, Lt. Gen. Alonzo P., 147, 259
- Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Treaty (U.S.–Japan) (1953), 349
- Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 452, 479
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 496–497
- Cultural relations, U.S.–Japanese, 501
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Dulles, meeting with, 488–504
- Girard case, 426n
- Labor policy, 490
- Nuclear testing, 496–497
- Ryukyus and Bonins:
- Southeast Asian economic development, 497, 500
- Trade issues, 496
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 504n
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 491
- Fukuda, 171
- Funada, Naka, 159–160
- Gailey, Maj. Gen. Charles, 266
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 112
- George, Walter F., 25, 117, 118n, 121
- German, Robert K., 352n
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 9–10, 326
- Girard case:
- Anti-Japanese sentiment in U.S., 342–343
- Congressional action (Bow Resolution), 422
- Court martial option, 307–310, 313, 314, 325
- Indictment of Girard, 295, 324
- International implications for U.S., 316
- Jurisdiction issue, 262, 271–272, 282–284
- Eisenhower’s assessment of, 316–317
- Japanese position, 272, 294, 309, 314n, 315
- Responsibility for U.S. decision, 298–301
- Reversal of U.S. decision, proposed, 301–310, 313, 315
- State Department position, 296
- Summary of, 292–296
- U.S. decision in favor of Japanese jurisdiction, 292, 295–296, 320–322, 324–325, 332–334, 337, 338
- Killing of Japanese woman, 261, 293, 314n, 323–324
- Legality of U.S. jurisdiction decision:
- Press coverage, 261, 292n, 309, 314, 315
- Summary of events for Eisenhower, 323–325
- Trial of Girard, 368–369, 426n
- U.S. policy on troops abroad and, 317–318, 422n
- U.S. statement of regret, 261–262
- War criminals issue and, 360–361
- Gleason, S. Everett, 49, 189, 517
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 315n, 333, 347n, 357, 376, 410, 428
- Gordon, Thomas S., 334, 422
- Gray, Gordon:
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 347n, 427n
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 74
- Habomai and Shikotans issue. See under Soviet-Japanese relations.
- Hagerty, James C., 357
- Harrington, Lt. Col. Robert E., 536
- Hatoyama, Ichiro:
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 129, 168
- Defense budget (1955), 49–51, 69–70, 71
- Dulles, meeting with, 163–170
- Election of, 25–26
- Foreign investment in Japan, 129
- Hoover, meeting with, 128–129
- Korean (ROK)–Japanese relations, 165
- Political situation in Japan, 128, 139–140
- Removal from office, 191
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 166
- Southeast Asian economic development, 166
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 122, 167, 178n
- U.S.–Japanese relations, 69–70, 128
- Hauge, Gabriel, 248n
- Hearst, William Randolph, Jr., 164
- Hemmendinger, Noel, 86, 87, 111, 135n, 193n, 214, 227
- Hensel, H. Struve, 17–18, 24n, 32
- Herter, Christian A., 316, 446n, 484, 522n, 532, 558n
- Higa, Shuhei, 182
- Hirohito, Emperor, 270n
- Hoffman, Paul, 121
- Hollister, John B., 113, 114, 128, 129, 131
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr.:
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 129, 184
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Hatoyama, meeting with, 128–129
- Japan visit, 128–131
- Kuraishi, meeting with, 184–185
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 119
- NSC5516, 188n
- Pacific Command, reorganization of, 189
- Political situation in Japan, 25
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 111
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 128, 179, 184
- Textile imports by U.S., 186–187
- U.S.–Japanese relations, 128, 257
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 235, 246n, 452
- Hoshina, Adm. Zenshiro, 418, 419, 472, 474
- Howe, Fisher, 307, 425n
- Hull, Gen. John E., 2, 3–4, 16, 23, 265
- Humphrey, George M., 398
- Husain, A., 427
- Ichimada, Hisato, 507–508
- Iguchi, Sadao:
- Anti-Communist operations, high command proposal, 1
- Bandung Conference, 14
- China, Republic of, Communist threat to, 13
- Defense issues in Japan, 14
- Dulles’ Japan visit, 150–151
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 151
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 90, 96, 111
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 13
- Trade issues, 13–14
- War criminals, release of, 15, 151
- India, Japan’s relations with, 527–528
- Ingersoll, Adm. Stuart H., 263
- Intergovernmental Committee on Security Treaty. See under Defense issues in Japan.
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), 162
- Interior, U.S. Department of the, 476–477
- Irwin, John N., II, 405, 413, 474, 531
- Ishibashi, Tanzan:
- Ishida, Hirohide, 377, 386, 392, 398, 404, 413, 490
- Ishii, Mitsujiro, 156, 309
- Ishkov, A. A., 176
- Itogawa, Dr., 420
- Ivan, Maj. G. A., 307
- Japan. See:
- Agricultural labor program, U.S.–Japanese
- Defense issues in Japan
- Economic situation in Japan
- Girard case
- Japanese vested interests in U.S.
- NSC5516
- Political situation in Japan
- Ryukyus and Bonins
- Soviet-Japanese relations
- Textile imports by U.S.
- Trade issues
- Treaties and agreements
- U.S.-Japanese relations
- U.S. military assistance to Japan
- U.S. military presence in Japan
- U.S. policy toward Japan
- Japanese-American Committee on Security. See Intergovernmental Committee on Security Treaty under Defense issues in Japan.
- Japanese vested assets in U.S., 403, 448
- Johnston, Eric, 161
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. (see alsoRadford, Adm. Arthur W.):
- Jones, Maj. Gen. Herbert M., 307, 308, 365
- Jones, Howard P., 188, 259, 442, 453n, 454n, 456n, 494n, 528, 529, 530
- Jones, Gen. Stan, 333
- Kadowaki, 72
- Kaihara, Osamu, 418–421, 472, 473, 474
- Karasawa, Toshiki, 426n
- Kase, Toshikazu, 68n, 85, 90, 96, 111
- Kawakami, Kanichi, 263
- Kearney, Richard D., 264, 290, 319n
- Kearns, Henry, 446n
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 191
- Agricultural labor program, U.S.–Japanese, 400
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 373, 399
- Defense issues in Japan, 277n
- Domestic policy, 519–520
- Dulles’ Japan visit, 156, 163
- Economic situation in Japan, 400
- Foreign policy, 519
- Girard case, 343n
- Herter, meeting with, 479–483
- Japanese vested assets in U.S., 403
- Korean (ROK)–Japanese relations, 482–483
- MacArthur, meetings with, 273–274, 277, 280, 286
- MacArthur’s presentation of credentials, 267–268
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 327–330
- Nuclear testing, 395, 509
- Okinawa:
- Political situation in Japan:
- Political strength of, 512, 517–521
- Political support by U.S., 520–523, 534–535
- Prime Ministership, 259n
- Ryukyus and Bonins:
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 90, 96, 103, 111, 121
- Southeast Asian economic development, 373, 399, 403, 482
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 213n
- Textile imports by U.S., 398–399
- Trade issues, 481–482
- U.S. economic assistance to Japan, 373
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 108
- U.S. visit:
- Agenda for, 346–347
- Communiqué on, 386, 404–415
- Defense issues, meetings on, 377–392
- Economics and trade, meeting on, 398–403
- Eisenhower, meetings with, 369–375, 410–412
- Girard case, discussion re, 368–369
- Invitation for, 259, 271–273
- Negotiations issue, 280, 286
- Nuclear testing, discussion of, 395–397
- U.S. assessment of, 427–428
- U.S. preparation for, 357–361
- War criminals, discussion of, 392–394
- War criminals, release of, 107, 392–394
- Knowland, William F., 48, 302, 334, 337, 375–376
- Kodaki, Akira, 264n, 285
- Kondo, Shinichiro, 488
- Kono, Ichiro, 107–110, 519
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Dulles, meeting with, 524–528
- Dulles’Japan visit, 156, 160, 161, 163, 170
- Immigration from Japan, 170
- Political situation in Japan, 525
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 90, 96, 111, 121
- Southeast Asian economic development, 532–533
- Soviet-Japanese relations:
- United Nations, Japan’s admission to, 159, 177, 178
- U.S. economic assistance to Japan:
- U.S.–Japanese relations, Soviet intentions in Asia and, 178
- U.S. military presence, Japanese expenditures for, 528–532
- U.S. visit, 524–533
- Koo, V. K. Wellington, 241
- Korea, Republic of, 118, 158
- Kramer, Gene, 548, 549
- Kuraishi, Tadao, 183–187, 230
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue. See under Soviet-Japanese relations.
- Lamb, Richard H., 104, 110, 156, 235
- Langley, James, 427
- Lay, James S., Jr., 30, 53
- League for Acceleration of Return to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 491
- Lehrer, Max, 528–531
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 340, 428, 438n
- Leonhart, William, 27–28, 29
- Lyons, 510
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 240n, 244n, 257n
- Appointment as Ambassador, 242n
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Dulles’ Japan visit, 156
- Embassy–COMUS Japan relationship, 276, 423
- Girard case:
- Herter–Kishi meeting, 483
- Kishi, meetings with, 273–274, 277, 280, 286
- Kishi’s U.S. visit, 387, 392, 405, 407, 410, 413, 414 [Page 569]
- Korean (ROK)–Japanese relations, 521
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 327–330
- Political situation in Japan, 517–521
- Presentation of credentials, 267–268
- Ryukyus and Bonins:
- Southeast Asian economic development, 268, 485, 522
- Trade issues:
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 536–538
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- U.S. policy toward Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 484
- Macmillan, Harold, 73
- Maeda, Toshikazo, 214
- Magari, Lt. Col. Toshiro, 214
- Malik, Yakov A., 74, 122
- Martin, Edwin, 10n
- Martin, James V., 142n, 175, 214, 240n, 264, 377n, 472n, 504n, 524, 528
- Masuhara, Keikichi, 214–216
- Matlock, Clifford, 398n, 507n
- Matsumoto, Takizo (Frank), 51, 68n, 90, 96, 107, 110, 111, 116, 121, 153, 156, 163, 190, 213n, 369, 410, 524, 527, 529
- Matsuno, Tsuruhei, 163
- McAuliffe, Eugene V., 325n
- McCardle, Carl W., 90, 111
- McClellan, Harold C., 248
- McClurkin, Robert J., 17, 74n, 104
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese relations, 6n
- Defense issues in Japan:
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 86
- NSC5516, 29–30
- Political situation in Japan, 139–142
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 85–88, 90, 97, 111
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 19–21
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 15–17
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- Menzies, Robert G., 393
- Merchant, Livingston T., 11n, 73n, 84n
- Miki, Bukichi, 105, 108, 121, 141, 163, 168–169
- Miki, Takeo, 139
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 173n, 247n, 301n, 333n, 337n, 417n
- Mitchell, James P., 174, 448
- Miyakawa, Shinichiro, 528
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 167
- Moore, Gen. James E., 290, 291, 544–545, 549n
- Morgan, George A., 512
- Morgan, Gerald D., 333
- Morse, True D., 524n
- Murata, Shozo, 12
- Murphy, Robert D., 11n, 12, 116n, 265, 325n, 438n
- Mutual Defense Treaty, U.S.–Japanese:
- Constitutionality questions, 101–102, 119, 160
- Diet ratification issue, 80–81
- Dulles’ support, 258
- Japanese proposal for, 78–80
- Kishi’s support, 327–330
- Kishi’s U.S. visit, discussion during, 347–348
- MacArthur’s position, 329–330
- Nash’s position, 341
- NSC discussion of, 42–43
- Nuclear and atomic weapons issue, 81n
- Robertson’s position, 78–79
- U.S.–Japanese discussions re, 79, 85–87, 97–99, 101–103, 347–348
- U.S. military presence in Japan and, 80
- U.S. policy, 38–39
- Nash, Frank C., 339–342
- National Intelligence Estimate, NIE41–55, 132–133
- National Security Council (see also NSC 5516):
- Nationalism, worldwide growth of, 41
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 14, 527–528
- Nemoto, Ryutaro, 156, 159, 163, 213n
- New Zealand, 13
- Nixon, Richard M., 139
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 552
- Norvell, Capt. William C., 171n
- NSC5516, 52–62
- Nuclear and atomic weapons (see also Atomic task forces under U.S. military presence in Japan), 157
- Nuclear energy, 59
- Ockey, William C., 248n, 488, 504n, 524, 528
- Ogata, Taketora, 82, 139
- Ohno, Katsumi, 296, 439–440, 457n, 461, 464, 469
- Okinawa, 359
- Ono, Bamboku, 139
- Oosawa, 183
- Operations Coordinating Board, 257
- Otabe, Kenichi, 488
- Pacific Command, U.S.:
- Parsons, Howard L., 184, 244n, 259, 280n, 386, 387, 392, 405, 413, 512, 534n
- Parsons, J. Graham, 76, 121, 246n
- Per-Lee, Charles, 264
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 174, 333
- Pfeiffer, Harry F., Jr., 259, 264, 290, 318
- Philippines, 316
- Phleger, Herman, 19, 84n, 243
- Pletcher, Charles H., 264
- Political situation in Japan:
- Communist threat, internal, 54, 98, 99, 105, 108, 110
- Conservative consolidation, 8, 70, 96, 128, 130, 132, 137–138, 161
- Constitutional revision, 480
- Dulles–Shigemitsu discussion of, 95–96
- Elections:
- Future developments, U.S. assessment of, 205–207
- Kishi, U.S. support for, 520–523, 534–535
- Kishi’s political strength, 512, 517–521
- Kono’s assessment of, 525
- Labor policy, 480–481, 490, 492
- Socialists’ policies, 185
- U.S. policy on, 58–59
- Price, Melvin, 180n
- Price Subcommittee Report, 180, 191, 198
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 128
- Quarles, Donald A., 346, 358, 359, 444, 464n
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 2, 340
- Asia-Pacific trip, 9
- Defense build-up in Japan, 99–100
- Girard case, 304
- Kishi’s U.S. visit, 358, 359, 378–380
- NSC5516, JCS assessment of, 34–35
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 200–201
- Ryukyus and Bonins, repatriation of islanders, 142, 336, 359, 438–439
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 97, 99–100, 103
- Soviet-Japanese relations, Etorofu and Kunashiri issue, 221–222
- U.S. military policies and objectives toward Japan, 349–351
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 3
- World military situation, 378–379
- Randall, Brig. Gen. Gary A., 333
- Randall, Clarence B., 259, 360
- Rankin, J. Lee, 365, 367, 417
- Rayburn, Sam, 342, 422
- Raymond, John M., 83n, 219n, 307, 318, 321, 322
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 340, 427n, 443n, 488
- Reynolds, Robert G., 316n
- Rhee, Syngman, 118, 158, 165–166, 526
- Richards, Arthur L., 257n
- Richards, James P., 479n
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 251–252
- Ringwalt, Arthur, 202n, 207n
- Robbins, Capt. Berton A., Jr., 245n, 281, 318
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 446n
- Robertson, Walter S., 4n, 5n, 9n, 240–242, 244n,
266, 325, 377n, 398n, 488
- Agricultural labor program, 448, 500
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 238–240, 448
- Defense issues in Japan, 124n, 214–215
- Dulles–Kono meeting, 524
- Dulles’ Japan visit, 156, 163
- Embassy–COMUS Japan relationship, 416
- Future developments in Japan, report on, 205
- Girard case:
- India, Japan’s relations with, 527–528
- Japanese vested assets in U.S., 448
- Kishi’s U.S. visit, 387, 392, 405, 410, 413
- Mutual Defense Treaty:
- NSC5516, 38–40
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 182–183
- Political situation in Japan:
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 233n, 287
- Civil administration, 244n
- Currency problem, 436–437, 516
- Executive order on U.S. administration, 281, 282n, 290–291, 318
- Flag question, 444
- Indemnification for exiles, 547
- Mayor of Naha, U.S. ouster of, 544–546
- Migration of Ryukyuans to Trust Territory, proposed, 391, 476n
- NSC policy paper on, proposed, 291, 513–514
- Religious visits by exiles, 497, 506
- Repatriation of islanders, 143n, 243, 310–311, 336, 359, 438–439, 445, 486, 488n, 504–507
- Reversionism issue, 514–515, 549n
- U.S. land policy, 442
- Southeast Asian economic development, 447
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 175n
- Textile imports by U.S., 238, 260, 446
- Trade issues, 505
- United Nations, Japan’s admission to, 235–236
- U.S. economic assistance to Japan:
- U.S.–Japanese relations, 236–237
- U.S. military assistance to Japan:
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 171
- War criminals, release of, 10n, 11n, 493, 494
- Wartime ally, Japan’s reliability as, 253, 254n
- Rockefeller, John D., III, 501
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 41, 46, 48
- Roderick, George H., 289, 436, 437n, 516, 545, 549n
- Rogers, Gen., 76, 173
- Rogers, William P., 366, 367
- Rountree, William M., 427
- Ryukyus and Bonins (see also
- Civil administration issue, 197–198, 233, 243, 244–246, 288
- Command of military forces, 197
- Currency problem, 265, 289, 436–437, 516
- Dulles–Shigemitsu discussion of, 115–116
- Education, Japanese participation in, 490, 492, 494
- Executive order on U.S. administration, 281–282, 428–429
- Fishermen from Japan and, 522–524
- Flag question, 444
- Governorship, 276, 288–289, 335
- Indemnification for exiles, 394–396, 412, 414, 445, 487, 488n, 502, 523, 547–548
- Japanese administration, proposed, 277n, 383–384, 385
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue, relation to, 29, 43, 202–204, 210–211
- Mayor of Naha, U.S. ouster of, 544–546
- Migration of Ryukyuans to Trust Territory, proposed, 391–392, 476–479
- NSC policy paper on, proposed, 291, 513–514, 516–517
- Pacific Command reorganization and, 197, 233
- Religious visits by exiles, 414, 438, 445, 497, 506
- Repatriation of islanders, 116, 142–143, 336, 359,
384, 385–386
- Caucasians, 170–171, 487, 502–503
- Defense Department position, 486–488
- Japanese position, 151, 169, 311, 482, 491, 501–503
- JCS position, 376, 438–439
- MacArthur’s position, 484
- Nash’s position, 342
- Political problems caused by, 390–391
- Study re, 414, 438, 439, 445, 486–488
- U.S. formula for, 361–362
- U.S. position, 166, 243, 320–323, 493, 501–503, 504–507, 526
- Reversionism issue, 142, 514–515, 548–549
- Sovereignty question, 115–116, 220–221, 226, 408–410, 411, 413
- Strategic importance to U.S., 336, 351, 376, 504–505
- U.S. land policy, 197, 232–233, 442–443, 478–479
- U.S. policy statement on, 60
- U.S. withdrawal, possible, 359
- Sakhalin Island. See Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue under Soviet-Japanese relations.
- Sakai, Mrs. Naka, 261n
- Sawaki, Masao, 214
- Sebald, William J., 11n, 12, 110, 150n, 151, 175, 258, 280n
- Anti-Communist operations, high command proposal, 1
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 67
- Defense issues in Japan, 126
- Economic situation in Japan, 107
- Embassy–COMUS Japan relationship, 275–276
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 86
- NSC5516, 29–30, 38n
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 201n
- Political situation in Japan, 25–26, 105
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. visit, 84–88, 90, 97, 111
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 65–68, 179
- U.S.–Japanese relations, mutuality in, 257–258
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 23, 24n, 36n, 87
- U.S. policy toward Japan, 26
- War criminals, release of, 14, 83–84, 88
- Security Treaty, U.S.–Japanese (1951):
- Seidman, Harold, 264–267
- Selby, Richard R., 84n, 111
- Senaga, Kamejiro, 265, 516, 544–546
- Shepilov, Dimitri, 202n
- Sherman, William, 163
- Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 4n
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 114
- Defense issues in Japan, 24, 174
- Dulles’Japan visit, 156–163
- Foreign policy, influence on, 225
- Korean (ROK)–Japanese relations, 131
- Mutual Defense Treaty:
- Political situation in Japan, 95–96
- Removal from office, 121, 212–213
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 95
- Trade issues, 114
- U.S. military presence, Japanese expenditures for, 2, 34–35, 37n, 153n
- U.S. visit:
- Defense issues, meeting on, 96–104
- Departure from U.S., 118
- Domestic reaction, 119n, 120n
- Economic and trade issues, discussion of, 111–114
- International affairs, meeting on, 90–96
- Japanese assessment of, 121
- Joint statement on, 119n
- U.S. assessment of, 117, 118n
- U.S. preparation for, 84–88
- War criminals, discussion of, 114–115
- War criminals, release of, 2–3, 114–115
- Shima, Shigenobu, 90, 111, 175n, 227
- Shimanouchi, Toshiro, 111, 182, 488
- Shimoda, Takeso, 528
- Shuff, Charles H., 472, 473, 474, 534
- Smith, Gen. Frederic H., Jr., 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 538, 539, 540–541
- Smith, Gerard C., 516–517
- Smith, H. Alexander, 334
- Snow, Conrad L., 19, 21–23, 83
- Snyder, Murray, 298, 305, 307
- SOHYO labor organization, 480–481
- Somagahara shooting case. See Girard case.
- Southeast Asian economic development:
- Southerland, Adm., 420
- Soviet-Japanese relations, 26, 184
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade and, 67
- Consular offices, 67–68
- Cultural relations, 501
- Diplomatic relations, restoration of, 234–235
- Etorofu and Kunashiri issue, 208–209, 234n
- Fishing rights, 67, 176–177
- Habomai and Shikotans issue, 6, 21, 23, 28, 59, 66, 122, 208–209, 221, 226, 234n
- Japanese policy on domestic Communists and, 192
- Japanese response to Soviet toughness, 223–224, 225, 229
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue:
- Normalization negotiations, 11n, 13, 176n, 202n, 234n
- Soviet intentions, 230
- United Nations membership for Japan and, 67, 159
- U.S.–Japanese discussions of, 13, 95, 161
- U.S. policy, 5–6, 59, 65–68, 122–124
- War criminals, release of, 67, 166–167, 177, 228, 356
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet-Japanese relations):
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 322, 333, 349n, 357, 365, 416, 438, 439
- Stassen, Harold E., 17, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47
- Steeves, John M., 244n, 275, 289
- Streibert, Theodore C., 41
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 188, 428, 549, 551
- Suhrawardy, Husein Shaheed, 427–428
- Sullivan, Charles A., 97
- Suma, 212
- Sunada, Shigemasa, 89
- Supreme Court, U.S., 425–426
- Suzuki, 153
- Swing, Gen. Joseph M.,, 448
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Takahashi, Lt. Col. Masaji, 418
- Takasaki, Tatsunosuke, 156, 162, 237
- Takeuchi, 296
- Tanaka, Hiroto, 142n, 183, 215n, 387, 392, 404, 413
- Tani, Masayuki, 13, 51, 175, 183, 214
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 35, 49, 50, 62
- Textile imports by U.S.:
- Thoma, Jugo, 549
- Todd, Gen., 341
- Togo, Funihiko, 488
- Toyoda, Capt. Susumu, 214
- Trade issues (see also
Textile imports by U.S.), 169
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade. See under China, People’s Republic of.
- Dulles–Kishi discussion of, 398–403
- Dulles–Shigemitsu discussion of, 111–114
- Importance to Japan, 485
- Markets for Japanese goods, 25, 73, 114, 239–240
- U.S.–Japanese trade imbalance, 112–113
- U.S. policy on, 61
- U.S. public relations campaign re, 522
- U.S. trade restrictions, 14, 481–482, 497, 498–499
- Value of Japanese market to U.S., 505
- Treaties and agreements, U.S.–Japanese:
- Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1953), 349
- Mutual Defense Treaty. See Mutual Defense Treaty, U.S.–Japanese.
- Public Law 480 agreement, 524n
- Security Treaty. See Security Treaty, U.S.–Japanese.
- Textile Agreement (1957), 248–249
- Truman, Harry S., 204
- Tsushima, Juichi, 450, 452, 461, 462, 539–540, 541, 551
- Turkey, 45
- Turnage, William V., 259
- Uemura, 472, 475
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom, 1, 3, 73, 338, 360, 373
- United Nations:
- U.S. economic assistance to Japan, 62, 373
- U.S.–Japanese relations:
- U.S. military assistance to Japan:
- Aircraft production program, 15–17, 535, 536
- Ammunition, 196
- Japanese force build-up and, 189–190
- Missile production, joint program for, 196
- Missiles, provision of, 263n, 264, 269, 536–538, 551
- 1958 assistance program, 430–435
- Offshore procurement, 63, 448
- Political and economic implications, 193–196
- Reimbursable aid, possible shift to, 471–475, 510–511, 534–536
- Spare parts, 196
- Wilson–Fujiyama discussion of, 504n
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 107
- Atomic task forces:
- Bases:
- Force reductions, 17, 87–88, 185–186, 374, 389
- Anti-aircraft battalions, 419–420
- Dismissals of Japanese civilians due to, 539, 543
- Japanese attitude toward, 194–195, 380–381
- Japanese force build-up and, 340–341
- Minimum force strength, 172
- Presidential authorization for, 343
- Press reports on, 75–76, 463
- Progress reports on, 445–446, 543
- U.S.–Japanese coordination re, 450–451, 461–462
- U.S. plan for, 124, 138–139, 343–344, 345–346, 379–380, 404, 446n, 456–457
- Japanese expenditures for, 2, 23–24, 80, 87–88, 249, 251
- JCS position, 33–34
- NSC discussion of, 44
- Progressive reduction agreement, 331–332
- Reduction agreement for FY 1956, 133–135
- Shigemitsu’s U.S. trip re, proposed, 34–37
- U.S.–Japanese expense sharing formula, 528–532, 552–558
- U.S.–Japanese negotiations, 152–153, 154–155
- U.S. recommendations, 125–126, 127
- Joint control of disposition of U.S. forces, 358, 387–388
- Mutual Defense Treaty and, 80
- U.S. policy toward, 60
- U.S. strategy in Far East and, 350
- U.S. policy toward Japan (see also
- Alignment of Japan with West, 325–330
- Courses of action, 58–62
- Equal partnership, MacArthur’s proposal for, 277–279
- Hull’s assessment of, 3–4
- “Indispensability” issue, 17, 26
- Military policies and objectives, 349–351
- NIE41–55, 132–133
- Objectives, 57–58
- Strategic value of Japan, 240
- Wartime ally, Japan’s reliability as, 253–254
- Vettel, Thelma E., 446n
- Vietnam, 24, 157
- Waddell, H. N., 64
- War criminals, release of (see also under
Soviet-Japanese relations), 8, 15, 107, 151
- Allison’s position, 3
- Clemency and Parole Board jurisdiction over, 11n
- Dulles–Kishi discussion of, 392–394
- Dulles–Shigemitsu discussion of, 114–115
- German reaction, possible, 10–11
- Girard case and, 360–361
- Japanese position, 2–4
- MacArthur’s position, 484
- Movement on, Japanese plea for, 491, 493–494
- Number of prisoners held by U.S., 347n
- Pardon issue, 357
- Parole of prisoners, 10–11, 59, 242–243, 259, 355–357, 359, 374, 393–394, 446
- Political considerations, 83–84, 88
- Reductions of sentences to time served, 509–510, 523
- Secretary of State given authority over, 542
- Waring, Frank A., 260, 268
- Waugh, Samuel K., 402–403
- Way, Arthur, 290, 528, 529–531
- Weeks, Sinclair, 174, 248–249, 398, 402, 524n
- Weintraub, Sidney, 346n, 352–355
- White, Lincoln, 235n
- Whiteman, Marjorie, 363n
- Willis, George H., 437n
- Wilson, Charles E.:
- Chinese People’s Republic-Japanese trade, 175
- Defense build-up in Japan, 189–190
- Girard case, 305, 332, 333
- NSC5516, 33
- Okinawa, U.S. land acquisitions, 180
- Pacific Command, U.S.:
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 197, 244
- Textile imports by U.S., 174, 248
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 504n
- U.S. military policies and objectives toward Japan, 349
- U.S. military presence in Japan:
- War criminals, release of, 11n
- World Bank, 162
- Yasukawa, Takeshi, 97, 111, 472
- Yingling, Raymund T., 344–345
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 1, 139, 409
- Yost, Robert C., 193n
- Young, Kenneth T., 447
- Yukawa, 114
- Zablocki, Clement J., 143n
- Zurhellen, J. Owen, Jr., 368, 370, 387, 392, 405, 410, 413, 488