247. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan1

1243. Your 1489.2

President approved on December 3 abolition Clemency and Parole Board and delegation Secretary State or his designee authority effectuate US decision on recommendation GOJ in accordance Article II Treaty Peace. Executive Order effecting foregoing is being cleared in Government for submission to President.3 It is expected that Executive Order can be issued soon after Japanese Cabinet approves establishment new Japanese Board. Suggest proposal be submitted Japanese Cabinet as soon as possible.
Trial records presently being prepared for shipment which can only take place after signing Executive Order. Partial shipment planned by air pouch upon signing Executive Order.
FYI. Despite attempts to expedite, other Governments represented IMTFE have not as yet informed us position with regard problem Class A war criminals. Will continue push for early action but do not believe it desirable inform FonOff status at this time.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 694.0026/12–357. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted in NA and approved in L/FE and by Parsons.
  2. In telegram 1849, December 3, MacArthur asked for information on procedural aspects of the impending changes in clemency and parole procedures for war criminals, and then concluded as follows: “FonOff inquired about problem of Class A war criminals. Would appreciate info on how matters stand, and whether we can discreetly say anything to FonOff about progress at this time.” (Ibid., 694.0026/12–357)
  3. For text of Executive Order 10747, issued December 31, 1957, see Federal Register, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 43.