210. Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State1

471. Re Embtel 1242 and Deptel 117.3 Gen Smith, Horsey and I dined privately with Kishi, Fujiyama, and Tsushima August 16 following first meeting Japanese-American Committee on Security.

Before dinner Gen Smith made very fine presentation problems involved in air defense system for Japan and need to start working at once on this urgent matter. Gen Smith and I proposed this problem in first instance be turned over to Joint Committee for immediate study of technical issues involved.

After considering problem and discussing it with Fujiyama and Tsushima, Kishi stated strong desire for setting up new ad hoc group rather than using Joint Committee. Japanese members of ad hoc group, which would thoroughly study technical problems, would be named by Tsushima from Defense Agency and ASDF, with Gen Genda (whose headquarters are now at Fuchu) playing prominent role. US element would be designated by Gen Smith.

Japanese were obviously very concerned about political aspects this problem in terms of domestic political considerations and Japanese public opinion. After further discussion, it was agreed that ad hoc group study would be held in strictest confidence on need-to-know basis. Kishi pointed out problem involved not only technical questions but ultimately important security and political issues which eventually [Page 453] would have to be considered by Japan-American Security Committee. In agreeing to above procedures for handling this important security problem, Gen Smith and I urged that Japanese members ad hoc group be named this week so work could be commenced, and Tsushima assured us he would do so.

Later Kishi expressed to me his pleasure and appreciation over our consulting with him and his cabinet associates regarding procedures to be followed in studying this problem. He felt this in full keeping with spirit of his meeting with President and Secretary and was another evidence that we took new era of equal partnership seriously.

I discussed substance this message with Gen Smith August 18 just before his departure for Honolulu.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 794.5/8–1957. Top Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to CINCPAC for POLAD.
  2. In telegram 124, July 15, the Embassy discussed problems posed by the forthcoming integration of Japanese units into the air defense system, hitherto wholly manned and operated by U.S. forces. The Embassy had suggested the matter be taken up first in the Joint Committee, or, if Kishi wished, “some other forum” of his choosing. (Ibid., 794.5/7–1557)
  3. In telegram 117 to Tokyo, July 16, the Department noted: “Agree desirability consulting with GOJ on operation air defense system for Japan and concur your planned approach.” (Ibid., 794.5/7–1557)