140. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan1
2560. For Ambassador. With regard Girard case Department has taken public position that decision permit Japanese courts try Girard made by Defense Department in its capacity as being responsible for US participation in Joint US-Japanese Committees.
Morning radio stated decision permit Japanese courts try Girard made by Department of State. Congressman Bow2 called Robertson to ascertain reasons for this decision. In discussion Congressman Bow stated that high Defense Department official had advised him that Defense wanted retain trial Girard in US hands but Department of State argued them out of it. State has had no such conversations with any Defense officials. Defense instructions (DA 921933, April 26, 1957)3 forwarded Tokyo without consultation with State and State only, received info copy this message after transmission. In reviewing all messages received from Embassy we find no evidence that any such advice was given by you or your staff. Advise urgently whether any action to contrary was taken.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.551/5–2057. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted and approved by Robertson who signed for Dulles.↩
- Frank T. Bow of Ohio, a member of the House Appropriations Committee.↩
- Document 130.↩