390. Telegram From the Embassy in the Philippines to the Department of State1

3278. For Hoover only from Reuben Robertson. Please pass following Secretary Wilson, copies to Adm. Radford, Sec. Gray, Sec. Quarles. On arrival in Manila ran head-on into highly emotional and politically charged situation regarding mining operations and check points at Clark Field.2 In this matter conflicting instructions between joint State–Defense messages and Air Force instructions existing together with widely varying viewpoints between Embassy and 13th Air Force on details. President Magsaysay had phoned Romulo to urgently request Radford help on immediate settlement check point issue. After Air Force reversal President asked me urgently review with his Sec. Def.—Ambassador Neri and Chief of Staff on ground, which I did together with Gen. Lee of Clark, Adm. Switzer COMNAVPHIL and Burrows of Embassy. Gen. Lee reached new decision to remove check point returning to inspection conditions same as existed prior to March mining incident; this decision had full concurrence [Page 652] of entire American team on ground but was not consistent with Air Force instructions; I felt that US Govt position was so bad in view of confusion instructions and several reversals that Lee decision was urgently needed to avoid explosive situation and agreed to fully back his decision though unable reach his line commanders. Phil representatives satisfied solution and Magsaysay expressed to me satisfaction over avoidance serious situation.

This entire matter has been handled in manner damaging US position here and in my opinion is all out of proportion to values involved, based on highly legal technicalities looking to pending base negotiations which are oblivious of political realities here, and has fanned the flames of the current anti-American wave of sentiment which of course is politically inspired.

Urge that no new actions be taken thru Air Force channels without careful coordination with State and Manila Embassy. I will review situation with Adm. StumpCINCPAC en route and be prepared review entire matter my return Washington.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.56396/5–2756. Confidential; Priority.
  2. On March 17, U.S. authorities at a Clark Field Air Force Base checkpoint impounded a truck loaded with manganese ore extracted from Bueno Hill, an area which they contended was within the confines of the U.S. base. Officials at the base then detained ten Filipino miners along with the owner of the truck, Enrique Santamaria. Senator Recto subsequently served as counsel for Santamaria, and this incident, which received considerable publicity in the Philippines, quickly became a national cause célèbre and a rallying point for Philippine politicians demanding a reexamination of relations with the United States. This dispute is summarized in an unsigned memorandum for Gordon Gray, June 4. (Department of Defense, OASD/ISA Files, FMRA Records, Philippines)