335. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1
674. Joint State–Defense message. Following is substance JCS views Thai-Lao military planning as modified by Defense (JCS concurred in CINCPAC’s original request CINCPAC representation at combined talks, whereas Defense agrees with Department’s view, now shared by CINCPAC, that for political reasons MAAG/Thailand and USARMA/Vientiane rather than CINCPAC should keep U.S. informed this stage through usual contacts):
Defense agrees desirability beginning bilateral Thai-Lao military staff planning soonest, subject following provisions: Planning should be 1) in consonance SEATO and U.S. objectives; 2) directed toward immediate threat but subject later integration into SEATO planning; 3) result in practical plan which U.S. can support logistically; 4) MAAG/Thailand and USARMA/Vientiane will keep CINCPAC informed of Thai-Lao progress in development combined plans and forward copies when available to CINCPAC for information; 5) plans must not include employment U.S. forces other than those which may be required by provision U.S. logistic support.
Determination here of level and source U.S. logistic support will await CINCPAC recommendations after review plans but should not delay initiation planning. End Summary.
Request Vientiane apprise USARMA of requirement keep CINCPAC informed. MAAG/Thailand already instructed by CINCPAC.
Classification JCS views precludes downgrading this message. Future communications this subject however should be classified “Secret—Limit Distribution”.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5/1–956. Top Secret. Drafted by Byrne, cleared by PSA and Defense (in substance), and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Bangkok, Paris, London, and CINCPAC.↩