31. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Department of State1

Dulte 14. Eyes only Acting Secretary. From Secretary. For President.2

“Dear Mr. President:

I dictate this leaving Bangkok for Rangoon. We accomplished at the conference all that we could reasonably have expected and then a little more. I believe that our message of greeting to the Afro-Asian conference is a good touch which, if properly played, can have an excellent propaganda value, and to some extent put that conference on the spot. After a struggle, we finally got the words ‘International Communism’ in the communiqué. So far, the group had been unwilling to identify the danger. Thus, we have crossed an important psychological barrier.

The organizational steps are, I believe, sound and wholly in accord with our advance thinking.

Last night at the big dinner given by the Prime Minister,3 he wished me a Happy Birthday. I had in my pocket your birthday letter to me, and I read the first paragraph which turned out to be particularly appropriate and which enabled me to say that in fact nations and individuals had cooperated to make the event one of my pleasantest of days.

Eden told me he is moving as rapidly as possible in his approach to the Chinese Communists and we have arranged to keep in touch with each other on our home goings, so he can promptly advise me if there is any positive reaction.

Faithfully yours, FOSTER.”

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DullesHerter Series. Top Secret. Another copy of this telegram is in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 426.
  2. A handwritten marginal notation by Goodpaster reads: “Pres has seen 28 Feb 55 G.”
  3. Field Marshal P. Pibulsonggram (Phibun Songkhram).